2. The heist

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Moscow climbed out of the car first. The rest of you drive a little farther before stopping. Everyone takes their masks off and Berlin takes a big tarp off of some tanks full of gasoline. There was only one way to enter the Grand Mint of Spain with three-tons of explosives. You would put them into the truck that enters every week. With the new rolls of currency paper ready for printing. That's exactly what you and the others are doing. Getting all the way in, escorted by National Police. You walked up to the driver's seat of a police car and pointed the gun at the cop inside.

"Get out of the fucking car!" You ordered. He didn't move. "Get out, damit!" You opened the door and dragged the man out of the car. "You do what I say! If I tell you to jump off a bridge you do it! Okay?" You and Denver bent the 2 police officers over the car while pointing guns at their backs. The others open the back of the truck and you and Denver put the police officers inside. Nairobi started making them get changed into orange jumpsuits like the ones you were in. You and the others turned the cops around and held them by their hands.

"Close your eyes and walk." You heard Tokyo telling one of the officers. You and Denver shoved the cops into the car.

"Now, you three need to calm down or I'll blow your head off." Denver said. You smirked. You followed him into the truck and climbed into a big container. Nairobi closed the lid plunging you and Denver into darkness. The truck moves forward and jostles you and Denver around.

"Don't get motion sickness Denver." You said. "I don't want you to throw up all over me." You heard Denver's chuckle.

"I won't." He said. The truck went over a bump.

"Fuck." You cursed as you hit your head on the top of the container.

"You okay?" Denver's voice asked.

"Yeah." You said, rubbing your head. "Just hit my head."

After a while the truck stopped and you could faintly hear the opening of the truck door through the dense metal of the container. The container you and Denver occupied lifted up and was set on the ground. You and Denver burst out of the container and started firing at the ceiling. The professor was very specific about not hurting anyone. You and Denver jumped out of the container into the screaming crowd.

"Don't move!" Denver said, pointing his gun at a couple.

"Get out! Come on!" You said, pushing people out of the office. Moscow told everyone to stay where they were. You and Denver scanned the crowd.

"Professor," You said into the walkie talkie in your hand. "I don't see the little lamb."

"Find her." The professor ordered. You moved through the crowd. Denver followed you.

"Why are you following me?" You asked.

"I'm going to help you." Denver said. "Finding someone is easier with two people than one." You sighed.

"Fine." You said.

So far, you and Denver couldn't find the lamb. Where is she? You thought.

"Give me my phone! Give it back!" Denver bolted towards the shout and you ran after him. Your mask banged against your thigh as you ran. Finally you and Denver reached the bathroom. You ripped open the first stall but no one was there. Denver opened the door of the second stall. Two teenagers were sitting on the toilet.

"Oh, great." You said. "Looks like we found the lamb. Having sex with some blondie in a bathroom." Alison Parker's, the lamb, eyes were red. "Get out of the stall." You ordered. The two teenagers obeyed. You and Denver pushed them down the stairs to where the others were.

"Ah good." Berlin said. "Good job Sokovia and Denver." His eyes moved to Denver. "Denver, help Moscow get the vault open." Denver nodded and ran off.

~time skip~

"We got the vault open." Moscow said, setting down two black duffle-bags stacked with cash. Denver set down a second pair of black duffle-bags. After putting on your vests, you and the others picked up the duffle-bags and walked to the front.

"Two minutes," Berlin says. "One minute and-" You wait. "Thirty seconds"

"Now!" You hear Tokyo yell. You and Denver look at eachother confused. Rio chases after her to stop her from leaving too early. You, Nairobi and Denver all run to the door to see what's happening. You're looking at the cops that are pulling up when you see Rio drop. Tokyo started firing at the cops

"Fuck!" You yelled. You pull my mask down and run out so you can cover for Tokyo. You're shooting at the ground trying to scare the cops when Tokyo shoots a cop 3 times. You and Tokyo start pulling Rio up the stairs and into the Mint. You all start backing up into the mint still shooting. "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!" You yelled as you threw your mask on the floor "THE FUCKING FIRST RULE!" You yell. Denver continues screaming about how we broke the first rule. Tears were all rolling down your faces in anger and in sadness.

"FUCK!" Denver yells one more time.

Before the heist

"I'm getting myself a Maserati." Denver says "The color is gonna be bright sky blue?"

"Sky blue?" You said.

"Yeah don't like it? You're gonna have to get used to it. Besides we'll be in the back seat more often"

"Jeez, Denver." You said.

"And a martial arts studio. And a nightclub. But with three stories. And huge speakers that make your ears bleed. And new lungs for you. Cause yours got fucked up in the mine."

"Denver, where are you gonna find a pair of lungs?" I ask

"There's people who sell their kidneys. There's gotta be people who sell lungs."

"When did you say you dropped out of school again?" Tokyo asked.

"I want a winery in Provence. With a 200 acre vineyard to make my own wine. With some oak barrels." Berlin said.

"Well I will buy an island." Tokyo informs you and the others.

"Get a couple. Why not three?" Denver said.

"I want a private remote beach house." You said. "No one to bother me, but I'm not really really far from civilization. And still in internet and WiFi service."

"In that case, can I live with you?" Denver said, grinning at you. You shrugged.

"Only if your Martial Arts class doesn't come with you." You said. Denver rolled his eyes.

We talked for a whole longer when Moscow said what he'd do with his share of the money.

"I'd record an album, the corridos. And I'll put my face on the cover." We all laugh

"You'd be like Bertín Osborne but 60 pounds heavier." Rio says.

"Bertín sings rancheras I said corridos. They're different." Moscow told Rio.

"Show them what a corrido is." Denver says.


"Sing it sing it sing it!" You and the others start chanting. Moscow starts singing and soon after Denver joins in and everyone grabs each other and starts fake dancing. Soon after their song ends and you and the others start cheering. Everyone starts dancing with someone. Tokyo and Moscow. You and Denver. Oslo and Helsinki. Rio and Nairobi. You've haven had been this happy or had this much fun since you were three and your parents went to jail. Denver noticed the happiness in your face and smiled.

"Having fun?" He whispered into your ear.

"Yes." You whispered back. "You?"

"If you are." He said, spinning you around.

"Is that feelings Denver?" You asked, raising your eyebrows. Denver blushed. "Definitely feelings." You said.  

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