1. The beginning

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The gusting wind blew hats into the air and sent umbrella's flying. You shivered and tightened your long black coat closer to your chest. A car pulled up in front of you.

"May I have a moment of your time?" The man in the driver's seat asked.

"I guess so." You said. "I have time."

"I have a job offer for you." The man said. You raised your eyebrow.

"You don't know anything about me." You said. "You don't know if I'm qualified for this 'job' of yours."

"I, Ms. l/n, know everything about you." The man said. "Parents, sent to jail when you were only three. You burned down three-fourths of the Sorolla Museum. Shall I continue?"

"No." You said, opening the door to the passengers seat. "I'm convinced."

~time skip~

You and eight other people were sitting at desks in a rickety old house that felt like it would fold in on itself any moment. The man who picked you up in the car (the professor) talked about code names. He also thanked everyone here for coming.

"So, what's the code name shit?" You asked. "Are we supposed to have numbers or some stuff?"

"Numbers, cities, anything." The Professor said.

"So," The dude next to you said. "There's going to be a Mr. 17 and Ms. 23?"

"Okay, we'll go with cities." The professor said. And that's how you came to know everyone in the room. In front of you was Berlin, 42 stolen diamonds. Then there was Nairobi who (you didn't pay attention to most of the other peoples back stories). Then Oslo and Helsinki. The man in the front next to Tokyo was Moskow. He's really good with machines. Then, next to me was Moskow's son; Denver. And finally, you. Sokovia. You yawned and tuned out. Soon, your nickname broke you out of your trance.

"Sokovia, are you even listening?" The professor asked.

"Not really." You said. "All I really needed to know was why we're here, what we're doing, and who the hell everyone is." There was a laugh.

"Everything about this heist is important." The professor said. "You need to know every detail about this."

"I know." You said. "I just got bored." The profesor sighed.

"This is going to be hard." He whispered to himself.

~time skip~

You and the 8 other people were sitting in the back of a van. You were sitting in between Moscow and Denver. Rio suddenly takes off his mask, making you and Denver look at him.

"Who decided on these?" He asks.

"What's wrong with them?" Berlin asks.

"They're not scary. In every movie the robber wears scary masks" Denver then takes his off. "Zombies, skeletons, Angel of Death-" Berlin puts a gun to his head and says.

"I assure you that a psychopath with a gun is scarier than a skeleton."

"That's enough." I say to Berlin.

"Who's this supposed to be?" Denver says. Referring to the masks.

"Dali, he was a Spanish painter. A very good one." Moscow said.

"A painter.."


"A painter who like, paints."

"Yes." Denver scoffs.

"You know what's really fucking scary?"

"What?" You ask. He looks towards me.

"Cartoons for kids. Those. Are scary."

"Uhm okay." You said with a chuckle.

"What cartoons?" Berlin asks.

"Goofy, Pluto, Mickey Mouse, all those guys." Denver says.

Rio turns towards Denver and says; "A mouse with big ears is scarier. That's what you think?"

" Yeah asshole. Want me to kick you in the fucking nuts?"

"Hey." Moscow says. You just laugh at their stupidity.

"They're scary. Listen." Denver starts off again. "If some bastard with a gun, comes in some place with a Mickey Mouse mask on, people will think he's a psycho. Wanna know why? Because weapons and children, are two things you should never put together. Yes or no?" He's not wrong

"Well if you look at it that way it's more dangerous right? More twisted." Moscow says.

"Then a Jesus mask would be terrifying. He's even more innocent." Berlin says.

"That's why they say, better two guns than a crucifix." Moscow says.

"Like a saint, two guns." Rio says.

"What's the difference?" Moscow says. You smirked and put your mask back on. The others followed your movement and gripped their guns. Here goes. You thought. You had robbed big places without getting caught but this. Robbing the Grand Mint of Spain was much bigger than what you usually robbed. 

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