4. My soft side

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The helicopter passed by the window, sending a bright whit light through the window of the Grand Mint of Spain. It was somewhere past midnight.

"You should go to sleep Sokovia." Denver said from behind you.

"I can't sleep." You said.

"Try." Denver said, coming up behind you. "Come on Sokovia, you need some sleep."

"I can't sleep, Denver." You said. "You should sleep."

"I will." Denver said. "Once you're asleep." You heard footsteps behind you. You and Denver looked back and saw Alison.

"What are you doing up?" Denver asked.

"I heard noises." Alison said. "What's going on?"

"Just look outside." You said. Alison walked to the window and the blinding white light made her outline smudge for just a second. She looked back at you and Denver and the receding helicopter beam reflected off of half of her face.

"Are they coming for us?" She asked. You nodded. Alison looked back out the window.

"Well, not you." Denver said. "Us. Me, Sokovia, Oslo, Tokyo, Nairobi, Rio, Berlin, Moscow, and Helsinki. Not you." Alison looked away.

"Go to bed, little lamb." You ordered. "You'll regret it in the morning." Alison nodded and walked away.

"You should take your own advice, Sokovia." Denver said. You smirked.

"All right." You said. Denver smirked back and began to lead you to your room.

"I wonder if Tokyo and Rio are doing the devil's tango." Denver whispered as you passed Tokyo's room. You rolled your eyes.

"What do you think?"

"Probably." Denver said, opening the door to your room.

"Such the gentleman." You chuckled, walking through the doorway.

"I try my best." Denver said, grinning. "Only for my favorite robber." You blushed.

"You don't mean it." You said.

"I do." Denver said. You two were only separated by the empty door frame but you seemed miles apart. You met Denver's eyes. "I do." Denver repeated. He kissed you. The miles of molecules broke when your lips met. The sensation was... hard to explain. Denver's lips were cold but they were emanating warmth as they pressed against yours. You kissed back without hesitation. The next thing you knew it was morning and Denver was next to you.

"Everyone! It's time!" Berlin announced. "Please follow our instructions." You all tug on your masks and follow Berlin. Tokyo and Rio fall back to make sure nobody stays. Soon you, Denver, and Nairobi stand on one side of the door and Helinski, Berlin, and Tokyo stand on the other. "Are you ready?" Berlin gets nods in response. You all start walking while pointing your guns at the door. Once we get to the door Berlin ripped off a sheet to reveal a machine gun, loaded and everything. You all point your guns at the scope they just put through the door. You see the scope pull out of the door and hear footsteps walking away. You let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and looked at everyone around you. Denver met your eyes and slightly nodded. You nodded back.

~time skip~

Saturday. 6:25 Am. 8 million euros printed every hour. Fourteen hundred sheets of currency-grade paper, each producing 140,000 banknotes of 50 euros. You still couldn't get over how much money was being made. You'd never seen this much money ever.

"Wow." You muttered in awe as you watched the currency-grade paper run past towards the machines that would make them into money.

"Amazing, isn't it." Berlin said, appearing next to you. You nodded.

"It is." You said, continuing to watch the currency-grade paper fly by.

"I know you were with Denver last night." Berlin stated.

"I was up late and he told me to go back to bed." You said. Well, it wasn't a lie. But it wasn't the truth. The complete truth.

"You two did something else." Berlin said, leaning closer to whisper in your ear. "You did what Tokyo and Rio do." You forced yourself not to blush.

"So? What do you care if we did what you think we did?" You asked. "It doesn't affect you."

"But it affects the heist." Berlin said. "We have to pull this off. Alive." You still didn't look at Berlin.

"I know." You said, finally turning to look at Berlin. "Stay out of my private life Berlin. I can handle myself." You walked off.

"No you can't." Berlin said, not looking behind him at you. But you did.

"I've been handling myself since I was a toddler." You said. "I can handle myself." You left Berlin in silence. Alone. Watching the soon to be money pass by.

~time skip~

A phone had been taken by one of the hostages.

"Stand up!" Berlin yelled. You and Helinski were right next to him. All the hostages stood up and Denver walked up next to you. "There is always a hero," Berlin began. "Who believes he can save the others. Who thinks that no one will discover that he's been forming a strategy to get in contact with the police. Bravo." Berlin said, clapping at the end of his sentence. "Congratulations, because one of you already did it." You and Denver glanced at each other. "Footage was recorded from the inside and it was sent to the police. So I would like to give him or her a chance to step forward so all of you can thank them." No one steps forward. "Helinski, undress him." Berlin ordered.

"Are you crazy?" Tokyo asked. Berlin didn't respond but continued scanning the crowd.

"Denver, take her clothes off. Sokovia, take his clothes off." You walk to the hostage who Berlin directed you to.

"Take your jumpsuit off." You ordered. The man compiled without hesitation. You searched his jumpsuit but didn't find anything. "Turn out your boxer pockets." You ordered the hostage. He did and nothing came out. After thoroughly searching him you found nothing. "Put your jumpsuit back on." You ordered. The man obeyed and you walked back to Berlin. "Nothing." You said.

"Sad." Berlin said.

~short time skip~

You were walking along a hallway.

"Kill her." You stopped. It was Berlin's voice. You peaked around the corner and saw Berlin walking away from Denver who was standing in front of a hostage named Monica. You gasped and pulled your head back around the corner before anyone could see you. "You heard me." Berlin said to Denver before disappearing. You peek around the wall to look at Denver and Monica. Denver walks toward Monica and grabs her by the wrist, dragging her away. Kicking, thrashing, screaming.

"Fuck." You cursed as Denver disappeared around a corner with Monica. You slid down the wall to the ground and covered your eyes with your hand. "Fuck." 

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