The next day, Thursday, Aranza and Aurelio come for, an aptitude test., while on Friday, afternoon, Juan Patricio, gets the DNA test results. He pauses, sighs, then, opens it. The results are positive. Aurelio is his grandson. He says that Aurelio is just as gifted with computers and intelligent as Antonio is, if not more. The next challenge, is how does he tell his son and grandson, the truth? Juan Patricio says that Armando and Aurelio must know about him.

Later, that night, at Antonio's house, Gina reminds Antonio that she has a doctor's appointment on Monday afternoon. They are in his room. He says it's okay, and that he will go with her. She says it's okay. Antonio says, that he thinks that they should check out the gender of the baby. Gina folds her hands and stares at Antonio. She asks him why he wants to know. Antonio stares at Gina, amused at her reaction, to him wanting to know the gender, of their baby. He asks her why she is so against the whole idea.

Gina says he might be disappointed if it's not what, he expected, and then he will resent the baby. Antonio moves towards her and holds up her chin to face him. He says that he loves her, and he wants both her and the baby to be healthy and that he will love their child regardless of whatever gender it is. Antonio then begins to kiss her, and Gina kisses him back, as they move towards his bed.

Elsewhere, Hector is with Adrianna at his house. Adrianna as well reminds him about her doctor's appointment. Hers is on Tuesday. He says he will go with her, and she agrees. He says he thinks they should find out the baby's gender before birth. Adrianna, gives him an irritated stare, before, folding her hands. She says she doesn't like the idea. Hector says it will help in things like planning. He then asks her why she is so against the whole idea of finding out.

Adrianna says, that it kills the surprise, and it could lead to, disappointment, if someone doesn't get the gender, they expected, and they might end up taking it out on the baby. Hector moves closer to her and holds up her chin. He says he loves her, and he wants both her and the baby to be healthy, and he will love the baby regardless of anything. He kisses her and she kisses him back, as they move towards the couch.

On Saturday, Hector and Aranza, go taking pictures as usual. Gina and Anna Patricia go to visit John. They find him in a jovial mood. He is happy to see them. He has so many stories to tell them.

Meanwhile, Hector and Aranza sit down for a break. He asks her how she feels about working at the company. Aranza says, that she is scared, but it is something, she would be willing to do every holiday. She adds that Carlos and her mother are not happy. Hector, asks her why she thinks so. Aranza says that she knows that they are afraid of her learning the ropes and they don't want, her to take up her position at the company in the future.

Aranza pauses and then continues saying that she does not really trust either of them and she thinks they killed her father and siblings. Hector is caught off guard. Every time Aranza opens up to him, his conscience eats him up, a little more inside. It reminds him of the secret, he Gina and the Ortiz's have been keeping for years. Aranza then starts crying, and he hugs her.

Elsewhere, John shows Gina, and Anna Patricia, some of his work, and some of the puzzles he has filled. They are impressed. Anna Patricia asks him, why then he looks so sad. John says, he is not getting any younger and says he has spent nearly 19 years here, which was a huge part of his productive life, years that he will never get back.

He adds that he is happy, that he has recovered his sanity, and part of his memory, as he can remember things that happened after he met her(Gina), but without remembering who he really is, he cannot get back to living his life. He further adds that he is getting bored. Gina puts one hand of hers in his. She reminds him that, they will all be there for him. He smiles at her.

Back with Aranza and Hector, Aranza asks Hector if Gina likes her. Hector is surprised at her question. He asked her why she would think that. Aranza says she knows that he and Gina are close, and maybe Gina feels that she(Aranza), is a threat to that. Hector assures her that Gina loves her.

Elsewhere at the country club, Juan Patricio is at a members-only club. He ponders over, how to approach Aurelio and tell him that he is his grandfather. Claudia who is a little distance off looks at her husband and wonders what he is thinking. Throughout their marriage, he had always been like that, but of late, he seemed to be particularly preoccupied. What was it that was on his mind?

Meanwhile, Gina, Adrianna, and Emma, then go to hang out together, as Antonio, Hector and Martin go to do the same. Aranza and Aurelio go to one of their friends' houses.

Elsewhere, Marianna is at her house. She hears a knock on the door and opens it. It is Alejandro. She has wrapped a robe around her body. She tells him that he can have a seat and joins him. She is surprised he came to see her. She asks him if Isabella sent him. He says she didn't. Marianna then asks him why he came. Alejandro says that they need to discuss their partnership. He adds that he thinks they should mix business with pleasure. Marianna looks at him, then stands up. She unties her robe and lets it all fall down.

Alejandro stares at her appreciatively and stands. She moves right in front of him and says that they could waste time discussing, or they could get right to it. She then uses her finger to trace a line down his chest. He takes a hold of it and pushes her towards him and starts to kiss her, and she kisses him back. They then stop kissing and move towards a bigger sofa, where they continue.

Much later, Adrianna and Hector are at his house. She says that she wants to talk to him about something. He asks her, what it is about. She reminds him that, he does not have to be too nice to Aranza, and follow all her whims. She reminds him that Aranza can be a little spoilt and stubborn when she wants her way, and she(Adrianna) wouldn't want her to take advantage of him. Hector smiles and assures her that Aranza is not being a nuisance. He says he loves Aranza like a little sister. He then kisses Adrianna on her forehead.

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