Chapter Thirty Seven - Regret

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"I don't know if I can," I admit.

"But you love each other, you have to," Hallie adds, wiping her damp face. 

I sigh deeply. "I can't force her into coming home, girls. It's difficult to face someone who hurt you," I explain. 

"I miss her," Bridie whines. 

"I know you do, I miss her too," I try and soothe my girls, rubbing Bridie's back as I caress Hallie's damp face. 

As the two lay on me, their usual spark and excitement withered, making the guilt and regret stain further and cut deeper than a knife. 

With the regret and guilt stronger than ever, the anger still flickers, but not at Daphne. My ex-in laws, the villains behind the last torturous hours. 

Never would I have expected them to stoop so low, to frame Daphne's brother, because they were annoyed and angry about Daphne and I's relationship. As if they had ever approved of me in the first place, I'm not sure what I do with my life now affects them in any way. 

It's not as if they ever cared about their own daughter. Ignoring her once they were home and behind closed doors, pretending she never existed. But when it came to public appearances, their wasn't enough words in the English dictionary to explain their love for their 'splendid daughter'. 

Jennifer mentioned a few times about their true intentions, where their actual money comes from and how they're apart of a much darker New York underworld. One that spans deeper and further than even they're aware of. 

It was the main reason she never wanted the girls near her parents, never wanting them to be used for appearances and later forgotten. I guess my final cutting of the thin ties was all it took to set them off, to show how money can really buy you anything if you have enough of it. 

It was something I should've expected, but nothing you could even remotely imagine. They're low people using others for their own benefit and stabbing others in the back to gain higher power, but framing an innocent boy for revenge?

Just for the reason I'm dating someone else, that I'm no longer withering away in my own self pity and sadness for the daughter they never loved.

As of now the two are still hiding away, somewhere in one of their many estates across the country, but the two aren't the best in covering their tracks. Obviously, since it didn't take much to figure out Nick had been framed and a few officers were paid off to lie. 

Those three officers were fired on spot and revoked of whatever power they once had. I visited earlier this morning and a part of me was hopeful I'd see a glimpse of Daphne, but her best friend made sure I didn't get a single peak. 

And it makes me relieved she has people who care for her, who will protect with everything they have, even my brother stood his ground when I asked about her.

The ring of my phone cuts through the sombre silence, both girls sitting up with hope that it's their mummy. I wish it was, but I know it's not. 

"It's just the police, girls," I tell them and they dim, laying back down on my chest. 

"Yes?" I question into the phone, my fingers playing with the ends of Hallie's hair. 

"Mr Thompson, it's Officer Yorke," the officer I spoke to earlier today introduces. "The Hyland's have been found and are being brought into the station. I'll be running further questioning on the two, but they'll be sent to trial for a myriad of crimes," he explains and I suck in a sharp breath. 

"Alright. Thank you, Officer," I tell him, then hang up shortly after. 

Just the solidification that my ex-in laws are crime syndicates, that they've been committed such crimes right under everyones noses for decades. They've been near my girls and I'd hate to think what would've happened to them if one of many times they asked for the girls to stay over. 

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