Chapter Thirty One - Hospital Scares

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Chapter Song - Under Pressure by Queen

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Chapter Song - Under Pressure by Queen

"Bye, baby," Danny pecks my lips briefly, before rushing out the door. I close the door after he leaves, the soft click of the doorknob echoing in the quiet foyer. 

"Mummy! Mummy!" the girls run into the foyer, and I sigh, leaning my head on the door, before giving them my attention. 

I'm a little tired, Danny's been busy at work and I've been a little stuck with the girls. I feel like i'm in a whirlwind, overwhelmed and wanting to collapse and cry. But I can get through it.

"Okay, one at a time. Hallie, what do you need?" I ask her, crouching to the ground to meet their level. 

"I need help with my schoolwork, it's confusing," she pouts and I nod, then turn to Bridie. 

"I'm hungry! And bored," she whines and I nod as well. 

Huffing, I walk down the hall, the girls behind me and they continue to pester me with their problems, even though they just told me. It's okay, just breathe Daphne. 

"Cheerios okay, Bridie?" I ask Bridie once we reach the kitchen, standing in the pantry. 

"No!" she stomps her foot and I sigh. 

"Chips?" I ask dryly.

"No!" she stomps again. 

"We don't yell, Bridie," I tell her firmly. "Now, what do you want?" I ask her calmly. 

"I don't know, just something," she whines and I fight the urge to hide in the drinks fridge. 

I nod, taking another deep breath. "Cookie?" I question, squeezing my eyes and praying she says yes. 

To my fortune, she does and I hand her the small packet of chocolate chip cookies, sending her back to watch Peppa Pig in the lounge. 

"Alright, Hallie," I say, rounding the island and taking a seat on the stool next to her. "What did you need help on?" I ask. 

She groans. "I don't know how to carry the numbers when subtracting them," she explains and I nod, reeling my mind back into focus. 

It feels like a hurricane, so many different dangers all at once. Lightning, rain, wind, hail, all so much at once and completely consuming my brain and sending it into over drive. 

Doesn't help I haven't been sleeping or eating well either, since Bridie hasn't been getting to sleep fast anymore and needs either Danny or I to lay next to her until she's asleep. 

It's mainly been me though, since Danny gets home late and is wiped out on the couch. I get it, works hard, but I'm fucking exhausted as well, I need time to put my thoughts back together. 

I just haven't got anytime to talk to him, nor, take a break. I just need a break.

"So, 9 minus 5, whats that?" I ask Hallie.

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