Chapter Fourteen - Past Pains

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Chapter Song - Cardigan by Taylor Swift

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Chapter Song - Cardigan by Taylor Swift

Mac 'n' cheese will be the death of me. Or maybe i'll be the reason of the mysterious global downfall of mac 'n' cheese. Who knows. But what I do know is that the loving cheesy pasta meal I use to enjoy, is now my greatest enemy.

For three whole fucking days Bridie has eaten nothing but mac 'n' cheese. Believe me I've tried with every fibre in my body to get her to eat something nutritious. A piece of fruit, a vegetable, honestly even sugary sweets at this point. 

Nothing. She refuses to eat anything other than goddamn mac 'n' cheese.

I'm not sure why she's only been asking - demanding - cheese shit for every single meal, but honestly I'm tempted to throw out all the mac 'n' cheese in the pantry, because now the mere smell of the cheesy gooeyness irks me. 

"Lolli!" Bridie stomps her foot as she snaps impatiently from beside me. 

This is the result when Bridie is denied mac 'n' cheese. Sorry, but she needs to eat something else and I also am very curious as to know why she only wants this meal 24/7. Like it's okay, but every meal worth? Absolutely not. 

I sigh audibly. "Bridie," I crouch down, coming face to face with the deep frown between her brows and tense crossed arms. 

"You can't keep having mac 'n' cheese for every meal, it's not healthy and you need to balance out what you eat. By eating some fruits, vegetables, sweets," I tell her calmly, even though an inner rage is boiling from the cheesy smell emitted from the hot pot of mac 'n' cheese. 

"No!" she shouts and I hold in a groan. 

"Bridie, we don't shout at people, okay? Take a breath, then I want you to tell me calmly why you only want mac 'n' cheese, alright?" I tell her, she hesitates but then nods.

I stand back up to give her some privacy while she calms down, and come face to face with literal cheese disgrace. 

I'm never eating mac 'n' cheese again. 

After a couple of quiet minutes, I turn back around and her arms are uncrossed along with the frown that is no longer between her eyebrows. Good sign. 

"Are you ready to tell me why you only want mac 'n' cheese?" I ask her and she nods, walking around the island and sitting on one of the stools.

I lean my elbows on the counter and wait patiently for her answer, letting her talk in her own time. "I just don't like the other meals, they're to- to-" she stutters, scrambling to find the word. 

"Complex?" I question, she frowns. Daphne, you forget she's five, she doesn't know what complex means. 

"That word mean's when something has too many parts, sometimes complex things can be overwhelming. Is that how you feel, sweetie?" I ask her and without hesitation, she nods. 

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