23| Friends

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"Mind being Friends?" Abadallah asked his eyes never leaving Nadrah's. He's quite sure she would never turn down his offer.

Say he is pilling up his ego himself, he wouldn't mind. It's time like this the royal blood in him begins to become concentrated and flow with high velocity than it should. Feeling as if the world revolves just around him and he would get things done at any time he wishes. If only he knew how the table will one day take a sharp turn and subsequently, taking a great toll on his self esteem.

Nadrah on the other hand, her thoughts were basically about weighing the pros and cons that comes with her becoming his friend.

Friends with benefits was the perfect definition of what she would be having with him if she perhaps agrees with the deal he had offered.

"Ofcourse I won't mind. Who would?" Nadrah replied with a fake enthusiasm that didn't go unnoticed by Abdallah who chose just to smile at the same time shaking his head slightly. He has seen pretenders that are far way good in what they do than the person sitting beside him. And if reading people's facials was a course, he would have bagged his second or possibly third degree in that field by now.

Having lived and grown in one of the biggest palaces in northern Nigeria, he has learned reading facial expressions effortlessly and it's safe to say, those manipulations in the palace, were his first motivation of wanting to become a world class Lawyer.

They say, we grow with things we see and dwell around. In Abdallah's case, hypocrisy and manipulations in the palace, were the top toppings that brought him to where he's today.

"I'm glad we are friends now and not two people on a mission of you wanting to get me arrested so as to get the stars in your internship logbook filled." Abdallah uttered now the smile he had earlier turning into a grin.

All his life, he had never had a female friend and the only friend he could always count on was Mubarak.

Ever made mention of how he hated to be entangled in a case with some spoilt brat young girls? Guess so. That's the main reason why he hated anything that has to do with his opposite gender since teenage.

"I'm glad we aren't on mission against each other too." Nadrah added at the same time making effort in packing her things off the marbled table with an intention to leave for her apartment.

Before her hands were able to reach the things to pick them up, Abdallah had already carried her phones, airpods and water bottle.

Gentleman mode activated.

Yes, he might be all that ruthless and arrogant Lawyer everyone knows of. But Mami had raised him better than that. Beneath that stone headed and cold face, is a soft spot for kindness and generosity not everyone has the chance of seeing except well, those that are exceptionally lucky. Count Nadrah in.

Left to Nadrah to slack her shoulders slightly as an acknowledgement for helping her.

She could swear if Sofie was in her shoes, she would have said he's giving her greenlight of some sorts. First, by asking her to be his friend and second, by trying to be the good samaritan most people think he isn't. But to Nadrah, that was at the least of her concerns. She had witnessed kindness in a shade far more brighter than this in a condition where life was sacrificed just for her to live.

And which kindness surpass that? None right.

Basically, Abdallah's kindness of opting to carry her things and accompany her to her apartment before retiring to his, is just the tip of an iceberg which only her knew what's deep beneath the sea considering the way Jamal had treated her back then.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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