22| Perfect little outburst

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"In a situation of life or death, a situation of choose or be chose by others, a war that's never ending , a dangerous game of throne and a future that holds zero promise. What does a hopeless child suppose to give a nonexistent Father?" Came his voice yet again leaving Nadrah flabbergasted about the sudden outburst.

Blinking twice and messaging her eyes just the way a confused person does, Nadrah widened her already narrowed eyes with a shocked expression she couldn't mask off.

Is she really going to believe this, that the Elsheriff she knew, more like acquainted with?  No, first she didn't know him neither are they acquainted. But either ways, she couldn't believe he was the person sitting right next to her and at the same time blurbing out something personal which ofcourse, she shouldn't know about. But well, destiny is indeed a dogged shadow.

Abdallah narrowed his eyes feeling a bit concerned about what he just uttered. It wasn't like he couldn't control what he said and neither did he had the intention of saying it out to any other person but her.

But then, since the deed had already been done he's waiting for what she had to say about it.

He was waiting for her response with questioning eyes that didn't falter one bit. Who knows, one or two reassurance from someone that doesn't know the entire case, or someone that wouldn't judge him might help? That was the master plan behind it all. Giving people words of solace was what he mastered on, to the extent of obtaining a certificate on it but receiving it from others will definitely go a long way.

Adjusting his one crossed leg on the floor, Abdallah turned sideways giving his full attention on her, which stimulated Nadrah out of the trance she went to thinking about the million reasons why he was telling her that of all people.

"Uhmm yes?" He urged her to answer him on that topic Nadrah didn't find interesting one bit.

Haven't met an inquisitive Lawyer yet? well, here is one then.

Unable to meet his gaze and wondering what to answer him with, Nadrah fixed her shawl around her yet again, this time, making sure the little soft fabric was firmly wrapped around her torso then parted her lips to give him the most sensible reply she could muster.

"It depends on how non existent the father is."

And this seemed to have hit the spot because Nadrah was quick to read an expression she had never gotten from him which he was quick to mask off.

Not that they have spent a quite a long time together like this before. However, considering the way Nadrah had learnt reading people's expression the hard way when all she could see was a fierce brown pearl eye balls, a turban roughly made around the face and a bushy eyebrows that is used to been arched up just perfectly, It's safe to say, she had read Abdallah within that nanoseconds.

Could it be a muddled expression, a dazed or a befuddled one? Nadrah couldn't pinpoint but all she knew is, Abdallah was a bit demented about what she said.

Hastily replacing it with his straight look, he muttered, "Non existent just as like one doesn't consider him as a father anymore. More like a lost parent."

"If I'm not mistaken, then there should be a solid reason for that right?" Nadrah asked her eyes slightly on him ready to read again. It's obvious she enjoyed what she saw from him the last time. Having to get another reaction wouldn't hurt too. So her complete attention was basically on him.

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