15| Leaping into freedom.

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The Moment the car came into life, Nadrah put on her headphones listening to a Voice message Nabilah had dropped earlier as the same time typing away on her phone. A thirty minutes drive, they were already at the gate entrance of the crowdy popular restaurant of La gastronomica Burgers.
She slipped her leg out, her three inches Dior leather pump making little to no sound after coming in contact with the floor. She was that perfect walking over with a heel.

Keeping her head up, she made her way in to the exact table number Sofie had texted her. She carried her self with that charismatic signature she takes with her every time. She wouldn't look like the exact Nadrah one would have thought to have went through a lot and be looking this good. Heavens, she look extremely good in taming everything behind her Mask. She was perfect at building a Façade over her real self. Everyone has skeletons in his/her Cupboard right? She believed she would hide hers come what may and that's just what she's doing right now.

She felt as she made her way into certain someone at the same time colliding their bodies. No, she bumped into that person. She hurriedly took her self off and took a look in the direction of that person. "Ohh. Sofie!" She exclaimed, slowly keeping the utter surprise in her tone low. She was not supposed to be surprise because Sofie was obviously going to be around that place.

But honestly, she thought it was someone she will have to manage the strength to apologise to. She was glad it was Sofie and she wouldn't have to go in to the long process of saying Lo siento to any red looking human. And the person would just nod instead of replying with something like it's okay. Better still, those people will just nod with their astonished looking faces as if it's a new thing for a foreigner to speak Spanish or Catalan.

Even if it was Sofie, she's still going to apologise just that this time, she was sure Sofie is going to wave it off and they are good to go.

"I'm sorry Sofie. I bumped into you. I was not looking." She apologized.

"It's nothing Sweetheart. It isn't anything to beat yourself on. Okay?" Sofie said as she hugged her patting her back slightly and she helped her carry her shawl that was lying aimlessly on the floor.

Who wouldn't want to be friends with this amazing human over and over again? Nadrah wondered.

She was glad they crossed paths with her and albeit, letting her into her life was a good decision she didn't get to make for a while in her life.

"You look good Babe." Came Sofie's Voice as they continue walking to their table.

"You aren't looking bad yourself." Nadrah replied a little Chuckle following afterwards because she was sure Sofie would rant about how good she's looking that even if Abdul would see her at that time, he would fall heads over heels for her and possibly blabbed about how expensive her outfits are. She knew her that well. And she was sure that will spice up their night more.

"You got a really bad taste girl. I'm not looking bad ofcourse. But just take a look. Take a look!" Sofie replied her scrunching her face as if she's in contact with some sort of dirt. Or rather, the appetising aroma of the different continental dishes was what smelt foul to Sofie's nose.

"Even Abdul can't resist the beauty over here." She was not going to give in anytime soon. Nadrah thought a giggle escaping her lips.

Looking herself from the spot her eyes were able to see-around her torso to her toes, Sofie moved a three sixty step around swiftly, her hands roaming from her head downwards. Giving Nadrah the look that said 'how is it even possible you didn't notice it!'

"This is princess Sofia the first. Take a look girl. No, I gotta get you an ophthalmologist because I doubt if you aren't becoming blind." She moved around yet again, just the way the Disney princesses do, not minding the eyes that were on her. Some were looking at her keenly and some funnily while some were just minding there businesses. Sofie's attention was on those that were minding their business because she didn't care one bit about what others were thinking about her.

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