Chapter 72

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"You allowed yourself to get controlled by a petty charm because you are a fool who only wants to fuck all beautiful girls. I don't give a fuck about you any more, but you have no right to stop me from killing the man who killed my parents! " Lola yelled in his face and slammed him on the table behind.

"Go to hell!" Darren bellowed from he stood, and just as Lola turned to him, he sharply pierced a sword into her belly, burying all the blade in with a shout of victory which ended abruptly when he saw Lola smile instead of wincing or crying out in pain.

Everywhere became dead silent as everyone watched with wide eyes, seeing her bleed. I was frozen in fear, wondering what would really happen next.

Just then, Lola burst into mocking laughter, which shook everyone.

"You are a fool to think this can kill a hybrid like me, not even the wolfsbane and silver mixture rubbed on this sword can get me killed. I am here to save the wolf world from the demons, but you only want me dead to bury your evil of being a bloodthirsty monster craving for power and authority to rule everyone. You don't deserve to live." She chuckled and gripped his neck tight, her claws burying deep into his neck.

Darren's hands left the sword, which was stuck in Lola's belly, and directed it to her hand holding his neck in an attempt to release her grip. But who could free themselves from such a grasp by someone as powerful as Lola?

Lola flicked her eyes and an unseen blade began to create deep cuts on his skin. It was like an illusion, but Darren's petrified cry reminded us that it was real. His ears dropped off, followed by his eyes that were chopped out, then every part of his skin began getting slashed with the blade, which can't be seen physically.

He was being skinned alive.

"You killed 5000 wolves to get their hearts for powers. I think I need yours too." She snorted and used her other hand to dig into his chest, plucking out his heart like in one of those horror movies.

Darren's agonizing cries and pleas died down as his body limped. Lola let go of him and he fell into the pool of his blood. She pulled out the sword stabbed to her belly and her flesh sealed up instantly just as if there was no initial cut. It was only her torn gown that could show she was stabbed.

"That was impressive." We all suddenly heard another strange voice at the door, and everyone turned to see the demon king in his human form, walking in as he clapped. My father was beside him and Blake was in between them, tied to a wheel chair with his mouth gagged and his eyes blindfolded.

Lola's POV

I was too angry to ask about Blake when I got into the Palace. I never thought he would be in danger and that was the most stupid thing I had ever done in my entire life.

He wasn't supposed to be absent from the palace, yet I didn't try to find where he was that moment I came in here.

How did he get into the hand of the demon king?

"Free my son!! He is innocent, please!" Blake's mother cried out in panic, falling to her knees.

"You did this?" I heard Sophia shoot the question at her father angrily.

"Me?...No, not me... Blame it on his parents. They tied him up in an empty room because they knew he would try to stop them from checking on Lola's true identity.." The Beta, Sophia's father laughed with a smug look...

I could see bruises on Blake's cheek, which told me he must have been beaten.

"Why are you bringing him into this?!" I fumed angrily at the demon king, who looked so happy and at ease. He already knew Blake was my weakness, and he got me on the spot.

"Really? Are you asking that question for real? We both know that he is my only way to defeat you..." He paused and laughed hysterically.

"You are very powerful now. I don't even have a chance, so I have to use this method. It's all thanks to him for sneaking me in and getting Blake without your knowing. You must be so busy killing Darren, who murdered your parents. That's emotional" he snickered, smirking as he rubbed his hand over Blake's hair.

"No need to talk much. If you want him alive, take this knife and chop out that mark at the corner of your neck. My poisonous serpent is inside his body and will be triggered in five minutes. He will die at one sting" he giggled tauntingly, flinging a little sized knife at me.

Blake was muffling weakly and wagging his head in disapproval. I knew he was trying to tell me never to do it. I will lose half of my powers once I cut the mark with the demon's soul-eating knife, which was what the Demon King just gave to me.

Hot tears formed in my eyes even when I tried not to cry or show any sign of weakness. The tears were just searing my sockets and pouring down like streams as I watched the love of my life.

I could clearly see the movement of the serpent all over his body through the visible part of his skin. His parents and fellow vampires were all crying and begging for his life.

"If I lose half of my powers, you will rule over the werewolves. You must be mad to think I'll risk all that just because of one man." I growled, but he laughed, this time, playing with Blake's ear.

"Not even the moon goddess can let the love of her life die off when there is something she can do to save her. I can't rule all werewolf kingdoms as I planned to do because it took me half of my powers to create this serpent in him all because I know it's the only kind of creature your powers can't get to remove or heal its poisonous sting. " He explained, moving to and fro with his hands clasped behind him.

"You should fight me like a man and stop acting like a sissy after claiming to be a Demon king!" I bawled, but he already knew he had no winning chance.

"I am sorry, I can't fight you now. It was my fault for keeping you alive when you were a mere weakling. With half of my powers, I will rule half of the werewolf kingdom and this vampire clan. You can take the rest." He shrugged, his smirk deepening.

I was weak to the bone marrow. He was absolutely right. He knew about me so much, so much... There was no way I would let Blake die.

"I think you still chose to fight me and leave him to die. I'll untie his mouth and eyes so he can see you for the last time and also say his last words to you before death takes him away" I heard the Demon King say out to me in mockery as he made his way to untie it and that made me almost squeak in joy and relief.

He was just about to make the most fatal mistake of his life by uncovering Blake's eyes and mouth. A mistake that will bring an end to him.

I guess he doesn't know all about my powers like I thought, or maybe he lost his sense over his close victory.

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