Chapter 34

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Sophia's POV

My mind had been away in thought as everything seemed to be so confusing. To make it worse, Lola had refused to say anything to me, and my pride wouldn't let me beg her to spit it out.

I needed to know why the Alpha killed her parents so I would be sure of what I read through her mind. Yes, I had used my dark powers to read her mind only to hear her mumble about a certain room, which was the cause of her parents' death. And it just seemed like she remembered I was able to read her mind and had refused to divulge more information both in her heart and voice.

She hates me so much and I also do the same to her, but I badly wish she would tell me if all I heard was true and also tell me if she knows anything about the room.

"Why did the Alpha kill your parent if he truly did it as you claimed?" I asked her for the umpteenth time, but was still faced with silence from her. She had been so sober and morose that not even hitting her could solve it as her mind seemed to be wandering away.

"Let her go to hell if she doesn't want to say it. Even if my father killed her parents, they must have deserved it. My father is a very good man and can't just kill them for nothing if they hadn't done something terrible!" Torian snorted, sneering at Lola with hatred glinting in his eyes.

His words made Lola flash a glare at him. It was so clear in her eyes that she was deeply pained and enraged by those words he said.

Gosh! My concern isn't about the assassination! All I need to know is why the alpha killed her parents. Anyone who finds out about his heinous act would be killed by him to save his reputation, and one thing in common is that he would try every way to hide it.

A teacher walked into the class and I couldn't help sighing as I wasn't ready to listen to any lesson. I buried my face in the locker, thinking deeply about this.

Just then, something struck my mind. The similarity

The Alpha put the blame on the vampires, as he did when he assassinated my mother. He had dug out the heart so it would look like the death was caused by the vampire.

This could only mean he killed them to hide his secret, which was the same for my mother. And Lola mumbled about a certain room her parents found when I listened to her mind.

Does this mean that her parents found out about this room that my dad had told me about? And because of that, the Alpha killed them?

Immediately, I lifted my head and leaned toward Lola, who was sitting on the floor.

"Did your parents find out any secret rooms which had led to their death?" I asked curiously, peering into her eyes and trying to read her mind, but to my dismay, I couldn't.

She had suddenly locked it. What I can't understand is how she got the power to do that.

"I am not telling you anything. Not even a death threat would make me say anything to a demon like you!" She blurted, rolling her eyes, which were filled with that intense desire for revenge.

"Don't you know I can help you get that desire? I can help you kill the Alpha and even his son here!" I whispered into her ear, but she scoffed and tilted her head.

"Bring your ear closer so no one will hear it," she suddenly said, and I couldn't help the gasp of excitement that slipped from my lips. Does this mean she wants to tell me?

"Okay... tell me everything and I will surely help you." I grinned and drew my ear to her lips.

"I rather die than say a single word to you. Go to hell, bitch!" She saw and did the last thing I ever expected. She spat in my ears.

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