Chapter 12

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"What mate?" I snapped, trying to sound mean as my brows arched while I peered at my witch mother, who seemed to smile now as she scanned her eyes over the necklace around my neck.

"There is something you are hiding from me. You have found her" She squinted her eyes and I shrugged, swirling over to the bed to pick up the towel that had dropped on it, ignoring her inquisitive eyes, which were all over me.

It has been two days since I met my werewolf mate, and I am forcing my brain to forget her as we have nothing in common, even when her face keeps popping up in my head.

I can't fall for anyone. Talk more about a random she-wolf who should be an enemy. I know she saved me, but I can only hope she is fine. There is no way I would give sense to love in my heart; love is a weakness that makes one vulnerable and leads to their death, as they would turn soft and would easily be gotten by the enemy.

I used to think love was a beautiful thing; I thought it would make one feel complete and always happy, but I was wrong; completely wrong as I watched people die in the arms of those they loved.The person you loved so much could easily connive with the enemy to end your life for money or authority.

That was what happened to my beloved sister, my only sister, whom I cherished so much.

I have a sister named Vee who died a painful death at the hands of the man she gave her heart to and trusted with everything.

I've heard about how strong and brave my sister was. She was that lady who wasn't afraid of facing any battle. Her heart was cold, and she was a true warrior; everyone was proud of her. But it all ended the moment she fell in love with that man, who she never knew was an enemy's bait to end her life.

Although we believed in fated mates like the werewolves, it was rare here; every vampire chooses who they love and, once the other accepts, they would become lovers and a bond would be created between them.

My sister met with this man, and they both decided to become mates as what seemed like love grew between them. No one knew he was among the enemies, and before we could realize it, he had slit the throat of my sister with a dagger.

I was only 11 years old when it happened, and hearing it all and seeing my lifeless sister broke my heart into pieces, especially when I heard her killer was the same man she was head over heels in love with.

Although my parents had attacked and killed him and his entire family, it never changed the fact that she was gone and we didn't know who the real enemy was. The one who paid him to kill my sister, and he vowed never to say it out, not even after all the severe tortures.

My sister wouldn't have died if she hadn't given way to affection. It made her weak, and they easily killed her. Having that in my mind and heart forced me to vow never to fall in love. It was a promise I made to myself, and I am not deviating from it. Instead, I had vowed to become a beast and terrorize everyone.

That had been my life, and would always be my nature until I died. I will choose the next heir myself, but I will not be accompanied by a lady. I abhor that word, "LOVE."

I grew to be powerful as I only trained and went to war with my father. Not only that, but I'm 20 years old now and have already gained a different kind of strength that was beyond imagination, and that had forced every vampire to dread me.

My mother was a witch with the blood of a vampire, making her a powerful being, and that has made me crave to learn her magic and sorcery. But she would always blurt out those annoying words, which chased me away from her.

"You can only have the witch power after you give love a chance in your heart, or you will turn into a demon!"


I hate it when she says those words to me. To hell with the powers if they require me to fall in love.

It had been this way for years, and now, as I stood staring at my mother and recalling what my body, mind, and soul felt for that strange girl, I couldn't help gritting my teeth as I feared the unexpected, especially as my witch mother mentioned her as my mate.

Is she kidding me or what?

And why was I feeling a heaviness in my heart the moment she told me the girl was being tortured? I found myself so urged to return to the pack and rescue her, and this is all freaking me out!

"If you wear the necklace, it will help you find your fated mate because, when you see her, it will push you to give her the ring. I thought it would be impossible since it's rare to find a fated mate, but I was wrong! It found her!" She relayed with a bright smile, wetting her lips with her tongue in happiness, while I sneered at her, fuming at the truth in her words.

"Mom, I don't have space for love. I will kill her rather than fall in love with her and become a weakling who will be killed like... "

"Stop!" She cut me off with a smack on my head, as a deep frown crossed her face.

"You don't think I am joking when I said I'll reject and kill her, do you?" I asked, rubbing the part of my head that had received her hit.

"You can reject every other girl, but that lady who is fated for you will surely bring you down to your knees in love. Your sister made a mistake of going for her chosen mate, which is risky! You found your true mate, so go and bring her home. Let me see how stunning she looks!" My mother, Angelina, grinned as she brushed my hair with her hand.

"That's one of your dreams! I don't give a fuck about any mate! " I scoffed and hurried out of the room without waiting for her to say anything else.

"Come and tell me what you're hiding! I feel something happened that day you returned, injured. It wasn't a huge branch that broke and fell on you!" She yelled while I hissed, increasing my pace as I made my way to the dining room to eat.

Mom is just so inquisitive and finds out very quickly when one tells a lie. Dad had believed it, but Mom would not stop bothering him.

Woah! I have to eat quickly and join my father in the royal palace, where I accompany him in punishing and dealing with complaints brought in by the pack members.

Just as the maids saw me step out of my room, they all became silent, and everywhere turned into a graveyard, as the workers bowed their heads and became keen on their jobs. Every smile on my face was gone and replaced with a devilish look, which revealed the darkness in my heart.

I only show my calm side to my father and mother, but outside of them, I am a beast that won't spare anyone for a single mistake.

I sat down to eat, and my eyes glimpsed at my necklace with her heart pendant, and it was like I could hear her voice; those moments I had with her came flashing through my mind, from the moment I leapt into her room to the time I left.

I was seeing it all like a movie playing in front of me, and it really shocked me how much I was affected.

"Did he just smile?" I heard someone murmur, and that made me raise my head sharply to see a maid staring at me and snapping back to what she was cleaning when I suddenly looked up.

"Hey!" I called her, and the dear my voice sent to her made the mop fall off as she cringed back and bowed at me with her body shaking.

"Did I smile? I asked, and I could see her chest thumping so fast as sweat dripped from her face and entire body which was literally shaking in fear.

"I smiled just now?" My voice growled, and she let out a gasp of fear, falling to her knees and bowing her head to the ground.

"Sir, I'm truly sorry for saying it. Yes, you smiled, and I was so shocked that I couldn't control my lips," she spluttered, shaking like someone being electrocuted.


I banged the table in anger, gritting my teeth as it dawned on me that the random she-wolf had made me smile without me knowing it.

I felt like I was becoming so stupid, like my elder sister.

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