Chapter 56

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Sophia's POV

The very second I stepped out of the room where Jace was, I felt uneasy. Something seemed uncanny about the environment, but I couldn't lay hand on anything.

I looked around to check if there was any sign of strange movements or whatever, but nothing was different. It was still early in the morning and the guards were yet to wake, except those guarding the outside.

Taking slow but steady steps down the stairs, I still felt disturbed. My instincts were urging me to go back and check on Jace, which I don't know why, as that was where I just came out from. He's tied to the peak and can only shake his head because the ropes would hurt him if he tried to wiggle out his hands or legs.

A gasp slipped my lips as I picked up a bottle of vodka from the bar. I need to clear my head and start planning the most effective way to find Lola. It was great news that she is alive, as that only means there is hope, but then, I don't know how much love Jace has for her.

I had mentioned using a magic spell to control his mind, but that is a very risky method that can end up getting all fucked up because he might be killed by the vampires in the process of getting Lola. The best plan is only if he is willing to help me find Lola.

I can help him cover his wolf scent while he goes into the vampire clan and lures Lola into my grasp, but with how strong-headed he seemed, I don't think he will ever do that. My greatest fear is that he might end up running away with Lola when they meet.


Everything is messed up, and all I can think of is torturing him with all kinds of poison and acid. I want to make him feel the greatest pain ever, which would make him pray for death. Then he will have no choice but to do as I say to escape the continuous torture.

I am just confused as hell. How am I even sure that Lola is still in the vampire clan? What if Blake had helped her to run far away? How will I know where she is? How will Jace also locate her so as to help me bring her back?

Was I messing things up even more by depending on Jace? It is obvious Jace doesn't even know where she is right now. He only believes Lola is alive but doesn't know where she is and can't help me find her.

I believe Lola loves him, and that will make her feel it inside her when Jace dies. Yes! It might make her come back from wherever she is to be sure it wasn't all true. She might come back to this pack to check on Jace, and that will be my opportunity to capture her since I will sense her presence once she steps into her.


Why hadn't I thought of this all this time while I had been making him feel like he was so important? I need to end his miserable life and face this all alone. I am sure to win! I am certain that in a few months, this pack will lie in ruin!

I gulped down the entire vodka down my gullet and could feel the heat strike my brain. Anger was boiling in me and the liquor just ended up making me mad. All I can think of is butchering Jace like an animal, and that's what I am going to do now.

With a sharp move, I spring from the couch, flipping my hair and gritting my teeth while stomping over to the kitchen to get a sharp knife. I will shatter his hope of surviving death. Yes, I saw how happy he was because I wouldn't be killing him again, but now he will be faced with the greatest shock of his life when I give him the first slash.

My breath was rough and I was feeling the monster in me rising like a storm, ready to consume whatever was in front of it.

Getting into the kitchen, I located the knife rack and took three of different sizes before dashing out almost immediately, but just as I made to climb the stairs, someone gripped my left arm and drew me back so I almost fell on my butt.

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