Chapter 45

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Jace's POV

I was dragged away from the dark room like a slave. No one cared about my wounds or the pain I was going through from the infliction within me. I would groan and grunt in anguish, yelling at the guards to let me walk by myself, but it seemed they had all gone deaf.

None of them recognized me as that same man who had been certified to be the next Beta when Torian became the Alpha.

All this wasn't what made my heart bleed in deep agony. No, the guards are only following orders. My pain is that Torian has lost his entire sense and is heading to his doom. Calamity was about to befall him, but he was still blind to it.

Thinking of this makes hot tears flow down my eyes as it keeps pulling me back to the memories of the past when Torian was still normal. Everything began to go wrong the moment Sophia came into his life.

I really don't know what Sophia wants, but I know it can never be a good thing. She appears so strange to my eyes, and each time I look at her, all I see is deceit and a poisonous serpent hiding in the grass, waiting for the right moment to strike.

"Do you all even know why I am treated this way? You all know I am Jace, the future Beta, right?" I bawled at the three guards pulling me forward, but got silence in response, which made me wish I wasn't weakened to the core. I won't hesitate to deal with these men.

After some minutes, we got out of the building, and there was a cart outside waiting to pick me up. They tied my hands and legs and bundled me inside the cart, shutting the door from behind.

My cheeks flushed red in shame. I couldn't hold back my tears. This was the last thing I ever thought would ever happen to me. I was a bit lucky that this place was on the outskirts and had no pack members around. If not, how would I face being pulled like a slave in front of them?

I crawled up to the corner and leaned against the wall. Taking a deep breath, I shut my eyes as a cool breeze blew over my skin and made me feel a bit better than before. Even the internal pain seemed to have been reduced.

Just then, something struck into my mind, causing me to cringe as my eyes spread open. My brows arched while I pondered on it, wondering if my ears played a prank on me when I heard it from Torian.

Back then, in that dark room, Torian had mentioned that my mate would be tortured and killed in front of me.

Was that an empty threat, or would something happen for real? My body began to tremble as sweat covered my face. The very thought of Bella dying all because of my actions was like a terror wreaking havoc inside me.

She is innocent and doesn't deserve to die. No! I can't let that!

My heart skipped a beat when the cart finally stopped, signifying that we had reached the royal palace. The door of the cart gave way a few seconds later and they gestured for me to come down, which I did with no hesitation.

My legs had chains, which restricted my pace. My hands were locked together too, and there was no difference between me and a slave bought from another pack. The peering eyes of every guard and maid in the palace made me feel ashamed.

They all looked extremely shocked to see me in that state. I had always visited the royal palace in the past, and as Torian's closest friend, everyone treated me like a prince.

It is so painful and heartbreaking, that I almost broke down in tears, but all that isn't really troubling me now. Torian's threat was a bell that kept ringing and battering my head with panic.

I will never forgive myself if I cause the death of Bella. I have no parents as they have both died. My death won't cause anyone anguish.

But Bella can't die now. Not when she is the only daughter of her parents who loved her so much. Imagine the extreme sadness and overwhelming pain they would go through if they lost their daughter at this age.

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