Chapter 51

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Jace's POV

I was pulled away from her body. The guards dragged me off while I struggled to wake her up. It had been up to an hour since I slumped beside her, crying and tugging at her lifeless body while screaming her name. I was praying so hard that it should all turn into a nightmare, but my prayers are not being answered.

It was a terrific sight that shattered my heart into tiny pieces, leaving me broken. I felt like my world was coming to an end. This should not be Lola. That was what I was yelling, but I am not blind to see that it was truly her even when the face isn't recognized.

"Leave me alone, monsters!" I snarled at the royal guards while fighting to get myself freed from their grip so I could go back to Lola's body and wake her up. The sharp pain in me can't be measured; it kept growing deeper and deeper, sinking to the core.

For the first time in my entire life, I felt like killing myself. After all my sacrifices,

I just lost my mate because of her. The whole pack is against me because she ran away with the vampire, only for her to be killed at the end. What is all this?

Why will she die? Why will Lola die? Was it all the plan of the vampire prince to get her killed?

I knew it was so dangerous when I heard that Lola went to the vampire clan with Blake, but I had believed strongly that Blake would find a way to protect her. I expected him to do that for Lola since she trusted him enough to run away with him.

Oh God...

I don't know what to think or say. My life should just end. The two people who I loved so much are gone. My mate can't recognize me again, and Lola, who I vowed to protect, is also a dead woman already.

"Lock away that body; it will be burned up to ashes!" I heard Sophia's yell of frustration as she puffed continuously.

"After that, you can come right here and get me killed immediately. Burn my body up alongside hers. Let it all end!" I shouted, falling to my knees as more tears flooded down my cheeks.

It is so hard to understand, yet there was nothing to be confused about. It is so clear...

"Why was her face smashed? What if this isn't Lola?" My wolf spoke out suddenly, and I felt a rush of shivers down my spine. My brows arched as I pondered.

"It is unnecessary to smash her face if they really want us to see she is dead. No matter how much alike the body looks with that of Lola, it still doesn't change the fact that the face is the only way to conclude it was her, and then that face was left unrecognizable! " My wolf added, and it was like a fresh breath of life was blown inside me.

All the tears in my eyes dried up instantly, with hope seeping in as I sensed the truth in what my wolf just said. Whoever killed this girl made it clearly look like Lola, and since the face can never be changed, he or she smashed it.

A little smile forced itself on my face, but vanished immediately on seeing Sophia walk towards me with an angry look.

"You are smiling?" She raised her brows, shooting a devilish glare at me.

"No... no I wasn't." My voice wavered as I stuttered those words in fear.

"It doesn't matter, because you both will be burnt in the pack market square together, first thing tomorrow morning." She snorted with a shrug before stomping away.

It took me a minute to process what she just said, and as soon as I understood, it hit me hard that my blood ran cold with every hair on my skin shooting up. She just said I would be burnt alive? She really just sentenced me to death.

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