I don't know why it kept echoing inside me and sounding sweet. So to help this pack from being destroyed, I will be with Torian in the future. All those things Torian said were supposed to irritate the shit out of me, but they never did.

As much as I tried to scoff at it as trash talk, it kept making sense to me.

"Oh, God, not this time!"

The only way to save this pack from being destroyed is to betray the demon king by helping Lola avoid being exposed by the vampire clan.

Why would I take such a risk?

I think the best thing is to stay far away from Torian to escape whatever charm he is using.

Torian's POV

Just as Sophia had said, I ran out of the room, down the stairs, heading to the palace. I could see the terror in the royal guards' eyes as they cowered at every corner of the walls.

There was an unusual silence which enveloped every part of the house, just as if everyone had become mute. With a quiet step, I walked over to the palace door, and the first thing that hit my nose was the swirling scent of demons.

My eyes widened open as my body began to shift slowly to my wolf nature, ready to attack any demon I was about to see. Demons are like nightmares and have never been tolerated. They are dreaded and rejected by the wolves, even more so than vampires.

I can't help but wonder how I was smelling such a scent inside the palace. With a heavy kick, I burst the door and barged in with a roar as my claws and fangs shot out.

"Where are those demons from?!" I thundered, my Alpha blood running hot and triggering more powers from me. I was ready to protect anyone who would be attacked by the demon.

I don't know how I forgot everything Sophia told me. It was like I had a memory loss, not remembering that my father was no longer a normal werewolf but a tool used by the demon king. He was the one who was bringing demons into the pack.

It hit me like a bomb the moment I stared at him sitting on the throne with a smirk, with two demons sitting on both sides of his throne.

The position for me and my mother, the Luna, had been occupied by two scary and powerful demons, who had enormous wings and scaly bodies. Their eyeballs were missing and replaced with dark fog with scorpions and serpents crawling around them like pets.

"Are you here to fight as a hero like your mother?" My father snorted, and that shook me as I realized my mother was missing. My eyes darted to every corner, and all I could see was the dead bodies of the royal members of the pack.

All were lying in the pool of their blood, with most of their internal organs missing. There were also royal guards who were slaughtered. The palace looked so bloody and eerie with the demon scent hitting through every corner.

"Where is my mother? Don't tell me you killed her? Don't tell me you killed your mate and Luna!" I screamed in great terror, and I saw how his eyes lost the darkness in them for some moment.

"Who is dead? My Luna?" He inquired with his mouth agape.

I sneered at him, wondering how he was asking me the same question I was throwing at him. The door opened at that moment, and the Beta stepped in at a slow pace, having a huge smirk on his face.

"Look at what is happening here! See those demons sitting beside Father like rulers of the pack!" My voice burst out as I poured it out to the Beta, thinking he had a way to help. I don't just know what to do or say.

Everything was playing out like an acted movie or nightmare, and even now, I hope to wake up and find out it wasn't all real.

How the hell can one of the most powerful packs turn like this in the blink of an eye?

"Go to bed, little boy..." The Beta scoffed at me with a push that slammed me to the wall so hard that it cracked.

"Mr. Alpha, you will need to kill your Luna now, but before then, it will be fun to watch me rape her just as you did to my mate." Those were the last words I heard from Beta, who was Sophia's father.

It was quite distant in my ears due to the excruciating pain I got from crashing against the wall, so I tried not to believe my ears didn't deceive me.

"No!! Please, please, don't do this to me! I beg of you! I promise to kill myself or do anything you want me to do! But keep her away from all this! She is innocent!" My almighty father was begging. His voice hitched while he sobbed.

Can someone wake me up? Because this can't be real.

"Bring her in!!" I heard the Beta order and the next thing was the cry of my mother, filling the whole room.

I forced my eyes open to see her being dragged in, slapped and punched like a slave.

Darren's POV

It was like some dark force left me and I got back to my senses only to see that I had lost control of my entire body. I was pinned to the throne. The first thing I realized was the strong scent of demons that filled the room.

My son was in front of me and he just said something that shook me. He mentioned my Luna being dead, so I had to ask again to be sure I heard him well, but he was peering at me strangely, like I was a demon too.

My eyes glanced at my sides to see the demons flanking me, and I also saw the dead bodies of my royal members, which made my body freeze as some memories began to flash through my head, taunting me with intense guilt so badly.

The memories were blurry but clear enough to make me realize I was the killer of my pack royal members, which explains why my son was giving me that strange stare.

I thought that was all, till my Beta walked in and said the most shocking words of my life. It played in my ears like something unreal, but my eyes were opened enough to see my beautiful Luna being brought in.

How did he know this past secret? Was this karma haunting me again? I really raped and killed the Beta's mate. After so many years, the same thing was about to happen to me. My wife will be raped in front of me.

Oh no!

Please, someone should tell me this is a bad dream. I want to wake up!

Her cries filled the air, the tearing of her gown.

"Please kill me, and leave her!" I kept begging and crying, but it was like my voice was muffled to be heard only by me.

Hot tears were flooding down my cheeks as I watched hopelessly with sharp pain piercing into my heart like thousands of spears. Four demons held her hands and legs wide apart.

"Ahhhhhh...." Her agonizing shrill battered into my ears as my Beta made the first thrust, laughing mockingly at me.

No, this can't be happening!!

The Broken Mate जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें