Had she left to tell my secret?

"Where is this traitor!!" Blake kept puffing and huffing as he checked all the rooms, even the ones he had checked before.

He would have ordered a guard to do the search, but we are scared she might have told any of them.

Now I feel guilty and wish I had tied her up before going to tell Blake about my discovery. It didn't occur to me that she will be missing.

I left her there at the door of her room and headed down to the Royal Palace, where Blake was enjoying drinks and meat with his parents and visitors who had come to celebrate with the king over the change of his son and whatever.

After being told that the young girl was deaf last night, I was at ease, but as I woke up this morning, I felt the greatest urge to go and test if it was all true. At first, I thought I was having unnecessary fears since Blake wouldn't lie to me that she was deaf when she wasn't.

Not until I saw her reaction when I let out that cry from behind. It was too obvious that she heard me, even when she began to pretend and lie afterwards. It was just something I couldn't deny noticing.

I was in a panic while staring into those eyes, which were shimmering as she told me to find a paper and write down my words. Something about her was so uncanny. I don't get why she would be pretending to be deaf.

It could only mean she did it to hear a lot of secrets, and that is something to be worried about, especially as she had heard my own secret. The anxieties that rushed through me forced me to leave her presence to tell Blake everything, not knowing she'd be gone now, probably telling whoever she's working with about the new secret she got.

I believed and trusted Blake to find a way to deal with this, but now that we can't find the girl, I don't know what to think.

"She has left to tell someone after suspecting that you must have known of her pretense." Blake growled in anger, standing at the center of the sitting room with both fists clenched.

"That's what I thought too. "I'm so stupid to leave her there without even locking her in a room before coming to call you," I whimpered, and Blake rushed over to me with a deep frown.

"Don't you dare blame yourself. I am the one that...."

His voice abruptly ended, and I looked up to see him staring intently in one direction. I traced it and saw he was looking straight at someone creeping in through the door like a thief.

We both stood there with folded arms waiting for the figure to successfully step in, and just as we both expected, the person was the deaf girl.

The moment she saw us, she cringed and toppled, falling on her butt, frightened.

"Mission successful, right? Liya, you already spilled it!!" Blake thundered, not minding how high his voice is, not minding the attention he was attracting as his face turned red in rage.

"Please, Blake, let's not make it worse." I tried to calm him down.

"I can't hear you, Prince! You know who I am...." The rest of her words were swallowed as a heavy punch from Blake sent her crashing onto the table at the center of the room.

"You are what? You are what?!" He yelled, stomping forward to hit her again. The palace had soundproofing, so I knew his parents or those visitors wouldn't be notified by the noise, but the guards were already gathering without interfering after seeing how angry Blake was.

"I said, you know I am... deaf," she shook in fear and pain, replying to the question after claiming to be deaf. Everyone was stunned as they stared with their mouths agape.

Blake crouched and leaned over to where she lay.

"The only thing that can save you is if you have told no one that secret. I am going to kill you instantly if everyone knows about it!" He warned and gripped her hair, dragging her to the palace while I followed behind with tears forming in my eyes, but I struggled to push them back.

What I dreaded most was returning to reality. If this girl had told anyone my secret, then I would not be safe anymore.

We all got to the palace, and Blake pushed her hard to the center of the room, leaving everyone confused and shocked at what was going on, especially the alpha and Luna. I couldn't say anything as I watched the girl who was already bleeding from her nose and lips.

She kept grunting and snorting, making me pray she doesn't say it now.

If she ever spits it out, the Luna won't take any chances. She will order for a silver to be brought in and I will be tested immediately.

That is my nightmare.

"This devil here is not deaf!!!" Blake shouted in exasperation, stamping his feet on the floor as he breathed heavily.

They all let out a "what?" with widened eyes as they moved their gaze to the girl.

"This is ridiculous! She got healed and hid it from everyone, pretending to still be deaf so she would hear a lot of things she shouldn't be hearing??" One of the royal members bellowed, while I kept my gaze on the deaf girl's mouth, ready to stop her if she ever attempted to spit my secret. I can't let that happen.

Just at that moment, the door opened and a girl walked in elegantly, swaying her hips proudly with cheesy smiles on her face. I don't know her, but Blake's expression on seeing her made me knew something is about to go wrong.

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