"If the reason why you want to live is because you want to be with your mate, I can help relieve you of that, by killing her too" She frowned, and it was like my heart was plucked out and crushed. How did I forget her ability to read the mind through the eyes? Now she knows it all.

"No, please, she should be out of this! I have rejected her and once she wakes up, she will forget me and live her normal life. Don't touch her, I beg you. " My lips were wavering, while I forced myself to talk as breathing became so hard for me. I was literally gasping as I stared at her in panic and horror.

What if she really kills my mate even after my death? All I did would then be stupid as I would end up losing it all.

"You were smart to have her out of here. Now she is in her pack. I am sure she won't attend that school again, making it difficult for me to get her." She shrugged, pacing to and fro as she clicked her tongue and rubbed her temples.

I couldn't hold back my gasp of relief on hearing her words. So it means I was able to save her life at least.

"But you know how desperate I am to kill the alpha of this pack? I don't mind setting her up and creating a war between her pack and this pack, which will give me the opportunity to butcher her" she smirked, and my breath seized again as my blood ran cold in immense fear.

"Please don't do all that...She is innocent; just kill me!" I cried out in exasperation, but she laughed mockingly, leaning closer to me with her eyes bloodshot.

"Lola is alive " she stated, and as much as I tried to hold myself back, I found my body cringing, my eyes popping as I gaped at her. My heartbeat was hammering so fast and loudly with beads of sweat forming on my forehead.

Who is this girl and how does she know everything? Has she figured out that the smashed face was to trick us just as I thought?

"Wow, you have cleared my doubt with this shock. You surely know that Lola is alive and must be befuddled at the fact that I also know it... Wow, this is getting interesting," she giggled evilly, taking a few steps away from me as she bit her lower lips while maintaining a straight stare at my face.

I felt like my entire bones were crushed and all my veins were scorched out. I remained silent about my conviction that Lola was still alive in order for it all to end. Yes, if everyone accepts that she is dead, then Sophia won't try to find her. Even if I am killed, everyone will be able to live peacefully, and Sophia will end up failing in her plan to bring down this pack by killing the Alpha.

But now, it seems everything has shattered.

"Lola is a hybrid, and I am thinking she also has vampire nature. That's why she could survive death in the vampire clan. She can't be killed so easily, so I am here to order you to bring her back to me. But this time, I'll give you an hour to think through..." She paused and laughed once again, flipping her hair dramatically as if she was acting out a script.

"You know, I can't... I don't even know if she is alive, I swear.. " I tried pushing her mind away from the conclusion of Lola's being alive, but her sneer made me realize how late it was.

"You have one hour, or I'll not only butcher your mate but also create war between us and her pack. Imagine: you will cause the death of an entire pack, all because you were adamant about doing a little task." She shrugged and headed to the door.

"All those are empty threats. You can come here and kill me now. Do whatever you have in mind because I don't think Lola is alive. Furthermore, I have rejected my mate, so it's all useless." I snorted in anger, wagging my head as I felt exasperated to the core.

Maybe at the last moment of my life, I should act strong.

"Really?" She gasped, swirling to face me with surprise in her eyes. Even when she tried to hide it, I saw it. I am sure she must be stunned to hear me say all that.

"If you are thinking of destroying the pack using Lola, then keep on dreaming." I bawled, and she laughed again.

"You don't really know me well. There are three ways to get one to do what he is ordered to do. With will, torture, and dark spells, I am sure you haven't tasted the last one. I will use it after torturing you with everything I've got." She let out that smug look before chuckling.

"Sophia, you will never get what you want!" I huffed, but it just seemed like she had seen light at the end of the tunnel, as my words didn't even move her a bit.

"You are the closest to Lola, and only you can tell if she is really dead or alive. That is my major reason for coming here. Thanks for clarifying my doubts. Now I can sleep peacefully, knowing my key is still available. Wow.." she squealed happily, heading away with proud steps, swaying her hips.

The door shut and it was like my world was darkened and left empty. The dead body on my lap was also irritating the shit out of me. I can't believe I am back to square one. No death, but I will live a life that will make me pray for death.

I closed my eyes, sagging my head in deep sadness that ached my heart.

"Jace..." I heard Blake's voice call me, and that made my eyes shoot open immediately while springing up my gaze to be sure I wasn't having illusions, and for real, he was the one.


"I am here to free you. That's my repayment for being on my mate's side when everyone was against her. " His husky and calm voice sounded again, and I had to blink rapidly while peering at his face.

"How did you get in here unnoticed?" I asked, painting as intense excitement attempted to burst inside me.

"She helped me," Blake replied, and pointed at the door, forcing my eyes to trail his finger.

Right at the door was the beautiful Lola, looking elegant and charming with her alluring smile at me.

"This must be a dream!" I gasped, but they laughed.

"No it isn't...." Blake whispered and pushed away the dead body from my lap, using his fangs to cut off the ropes while Lola stepped closer to me with a sweet and beautiful smile that melted my heart.

The Broken Mate Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora