#Flashback, where things started

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"aww guchi guchi gooo~" Ha-eun is playing with the baby on the sofa, wiggling her fingers and making funny faces. The baby laughs at the gestures, aggressively kicking the air and waving her hands happily.

Ha-eun laughs at her ultimate cuteness and nuzzles her nose on her belly.

"Gosh you're so cute!!"

She pulls away and stares at her child with a warm smile. "I'm so blessed to have you..." Even in a short time, she is loving her child deeply in her heart. Now she understands the love of a parents towards their child at first sight.

Baby y/n, now is five month old, is a very happy, energetic baby. She smiles more frequently than crying. She adapts to people pretty quickly and gets along with others easily.

Ha-eun is very blessed to have y/n because she immediately eases her blue times with her smiles and cute gestures.

Some of her habits is that she likes to bite her toes.

"Baby are you hungry?? Mommy hasn't given you any milky today." Said Ha-eun as she remembers she hasn't feed y/n for her evening feeding time. She carries her up and feeds her.

"Gosh, you should tell mommy if you're this hungry, baby. I don't mind you crying for me." Said her to y/n softly as she watches y/n strongly and aggressively sucking the milk out of her breast.

After feeding her, y/n has fallen asleep. Ha-eun places her in her crib and stays beside her. She has nothing to do anyways, even if she does, she will choose to stay beside y/n over it.

That's how much she loves y/n.

"Diapers diapers..." She is checking for a specific diaper brand she always bought for y/n through the aisle. Seems like she couldn't find it. Maybe it has ran out of stock.

She pouts her lips and decided to buy whatever brand that is similar. As she is done grabbing the diapers, she notices a baby clothing aisle. She gasps when her eyes caught a pink dress.

"Oh. My. God. Y/n will look so cute in this!!!" She exclaims, grabbing the tiny dress and adores it.

"Yup, I'm buying this." She immediately toss the dress into the basket and walks away. She knows Mrs BTS will scold her for overbuying y/n's clothes but who cares? It's her child, and she wants her child to look pleasant no matter what.

After checking out, she exits the mall. She looks at her watch and sees it's afternoon. She hasn't had her lunch so she stops by a restaurant.

"Table for one please." She said to the waiter but suddenly, she was harshly pushed forwards by a strong force. She turns around and sees a middle aged man. Her eyebrows furrowed, seeing the man's face is awfully glowing in red.

The man is wobbling around and Ha-eun feels disturbed by it. The man is drunk.

The man looks at her with his half opened eyes, and he starts slurring inaudible words.

Ha-eun tries to ignore the man but then, she feels her wrist is grabbed by him.

"Sir, what're you doing?! Let me go!!" She yells and shakes her hand to free herself.

"C'mon lady... You're so pretty... Hehe." The man laughs with his smug smile as he checks her out shamelessly.

"Let me go!!" She yells once again. The waiter was about to come to help her, when suddenly, Ha-eun finds the man on the ground. She freezes in confusion before looking up, seeing a young man, holding the man down.

"She said let her go you drunkard!" The young man said and the man starts screaming.

"You!! How dare you to do this to an old man?!"

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