#Adults and a child

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*This one contains mature language, please excuse that...*

Being with your seven brothers brought a lot of happiness to you. You can feel their sincere love and care for you. You feel home, at ease and loved.

But there's just a tiny problem when you, a little girl, living with adult boys under the same roof...

And that is...

Hoseok : oh! Y/n-nie!!

You climb up the stool almost fall but Jin caught you in time and helps you out.

Jin : whoops! That was close.

He pats your head and continue cooking for dinner. You wiggle your legs around, roaming your eyes around the kitchen.

Jimin : I was going to buy some clothes but Tae pull me to the Gucci store again.
Tae : I can't help it. Gucci is the best!

You got bored and grab Namjoon's sleeve for attention.

Rm : hm?? What is it y/n??

You actually wanted to tell Namjoon something but you suddenly forget, so you point the apple on the counter instead.

Rm : apples??

You nod. Namjoon nods and stand up to prepare you slices of apples. Then you finally remember what you're actually here for. You look at your fingers and start playing with it.

After you succeed, you smile and pat Jimin's shoulder. Jimin turns to you.

Jimin : yes y/n-nie??

You then show him your hand. Jimin's eyes widen and gasp loudly catching everyone's attention. Jungkook tilts his head and spits his drink to the counter, Namjoon drops the apple while Jin drops the spatula. Hoseok and Taehyung's mouth drop to the ground.

Your smile drops as you look at them confuse and slightly getting nervous.

Jimin : w-what... What're you doing?!!

You flinch and look at Jimin, surprise by his sudden shout. Taehyung already fainted on the ground as Yeontan went to him and bark at his face.

Hoseok : where did you learn that?!!
Jin : how did you learn to do that?!!

You got scared by all of the screaming. They all suddenly look so scary.

JK : yah you're scaring her!!

Jungkook went to you and carries you in his arms. You start tearing up and bury your face on his neck, hugging him tightly. The boys then realise what they did.

Jin : i-i'm sorry y/n... I didn't mean to startle you...
Jimin : me too... That was harsh... I was just shock...
Hoseok : I'm sorry y/n-nie...

You pull away and wipe your tears. You hang your head low with a frown.

JK : it's okay, y/n-nie. They're not mad. But where did you learn that??

You look at Jungkook for a second before roaming your eyes around.

Yoongi : *yawn* what's with the noises??

You turn your gaze to Yoongi and stare at him. The boys follow your gaze and saw Yoongi. They all start glaring deadly at the half awake man which he soon notice gazes on him.

Yoongi : what??
Jin : you, me. We're gonna have to talk.
RM : count me in, I wanna put some sense in him.
Tae : Tannie, Take him away...
Yoongi : ay ay!! What is this!! Aaah!!

Yeontan barks and chases Yoongi to his room.

JK : y/n-nie...

You look at Jungkook.

JK : what you did is actually a bad thing to do. It shows bad sign, so you shouldn't do it again okay??

You look down feeling guilty and nod. Jungkook pulls you to lean on his shoulder and caress your back. And like always, you would fall asleep on someone's shoulder.

JK : I'm gonna bring her to her room.
Jin : I'll bring the choco milk in a minute.

Jungkook nods and heads to your room.

Jimin : guys... Did we just bust her innocence??
Tae : I'm not gonna let that happen!! We're gonna have to be more careful!!
Hoseok : yeah... But can you imagine her being like that.. you know... badass...

They all try imagine how you would be as a bad kid. Your opposite self would be wearing black leather jacket with short skirt and heavy make up.

Just thinking about it sends shivers to their whole body.

RM : nope!!
Jin : not gonna happen!!
Hoseok : yah I think I'm gonna faint if that happens...

(Few days later)

Y/n : fuck...

BTS : *eyes widen* YOONGI!!


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