Chapter One

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A few hours earlier, the famous dragon riders were planning an attack on a dragon hunter ship. "That's where we saw it, the outskirts of Armourwing Island" A blond pointed to the map.

"Are you sure?" The leader wanted to confirm.

"Positive," It was a black-haired female confirmed " There are heading south-east towards Action island," She reported. "We saw them with the armor wing, Gronckle, Nadders, and nightmares."

"Right, They had to have used the slugs as they did with you and toothless; I could have sworn I saw a black dragon with them too, too far away to get a good look at it."

The leader nodded his head. "Why were you and Heather even out that far in the first place?" He questioned.

"Joy ride?" The two girls spoke up in unison. He raised his eyebrow at them. He sighed; there was no point going there with them. They had dragons to rescue.

"Alright, Grab your dragons, and let's head out." He spoke up, heading to his dragon.

"Do we get to blow things up?" A long-haired blond questioned, his eyes open with glee in them. His sister was also grinning, crossing their fingers, hoping for a yes.

"Only after we rescued the dragons," The leader spoke. The twins let out an excited 'Yes,' high-fiving one other before mounting their green Hideous Zippleback dragon.

"Do we have to? I mean, it's so far away!!" the black-haired boy complained; his red, Monstrous nightmare growled smoke at him. The leader's eyes went onto him. He didn't need to say anything. "Just saying!" He mounted his dragon. "It's Sunday."

"No, it's not! It's Tuesday" The husky boy climbed onto his brown Gronckle. The leader groaned, patting his rare, black night fury. The dragon leaped into the air, heading northwest towards Armourwing island.

The flight was long, and the dragon had grown tired; maybe Snotlout was right? No, he was never right about this. These dragons need their help. The Blue Deadly Nadder was head, leading the way. The leader was deep in thought. They wanted Gronckle for Gronckle iron, Nadders for their spines, and nightmares for their gel. Armourwings were an odd choice unless they were planning to use them in the arena or auction them off to the highest bitter. Or there was something on their armor they wanted. If he remembered correctly, they had metal armor. And then there was this unknown black dragon.. it could be several different breeds. He looked down at his dragon—even a night fury.

He looked up when he heard a voice shouting, ' look out.' The blue dragon growled when she noticed a black dragon in front of them. The black dragon stopped, looking around, seemingly confused. The ladder armed her tail; she didn't have time to move out of the way. She was moving upwards in her seat, hitting the dragon in the head, making it lose flight and go diagonally downwards towards Melody Island.

The other dragons halted, unsure of what had just happened. The Deadly Nadder steadied herself in the air, "whoa, girl. it came out of nowhere!!" Astrid shouted. Her heart was pounding. She looked at the other riders. Who was seemingly stunned by what happened?

"Was that a night fury?" Fishlegs spoke up. The night fury looked at his rider and yanked to go down to the dragon they knocked out of the sky.

"Easy, bud" Hiccup snapped himself out of his trance. "Fishlegs, Heather, you're with me; the rest of you head to the ship," Hiccup spoke. Fishlegs would be good with his knowledge of dragons, and Heather's survival skills will come in handy if they encounter the Death song on the island. The others will need to deal with the ship.

"Your kidding, right?" Astrid grumbled.

"No, I am not; look, Astrid, you are my second in command, and I need someone with brains to make a plan if things go south; the twins can explode the ship, and Hookfang's firepower will come in handy," He said. "I need Heather for her survival and tracking skills. We don't know where that dragon landed. And she could help us if we encounter the death song. Fishlegs knows dragons and deals with injuries. And I doubt I can get toothless not to go," Hiccup explained. The night fury was slowly going lower to the ground. "Meet us on the island after you are done dealing with the hunter's ship."

She couldn't argue with his logic; she yelled at the twins and Snotlout, who was complaining. The night fury was his. Hiccup wasn't listening to them.

They headed toward the island; they could see trees down where the dragon had hit them. Hiccup was surprised by how slowly the dragon reacted to seeing Stormfly. Night Furies are fast dragons. It could have easily dodged, but it didn't. It just stopped and looked around. Like it was unable to see. "Wait, Who shouted Lookout?" Hiccup asked. Heather and Fishlegs looked at one other. It hadn't occurred to them. It wasn't one of the riders.

"There was no one on its back," Heather remembered, though everything went so fast they could have been wrong. "There had to be someone with the dragon," She admitted.

They flew under the tree line when they spotted the black dragon. It was slowly getting to its feet. Toothless landed, and Hiccup dismounted. He nodded, not wanting to spook the dragon and, at the same time, take a good look at it. It was similar to a night fury; it held a long fin from its head to its tail fins shaped like a V or a heart. It wasn't a night fury. But something else.

The dragon looked around in a panic, sniffing. He had lost the human. How could he do that? His numbs went up, turning his head to see Toothless. He let out a low growl backing up. Hiccup saw a red bird-like shape on his left front shoulder; his left eye was blue with a grey pupil, whereas his right was yellow and green. "It's blind in one eye," Heather whispered.

AN: Next chapter, lol what is wrong with me? I am meant to be studying. Yes, Nightlight is blind in one of his eyes.

Please give me feedback!!! it helps me want to write!!!

So Comment if you wish!!


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