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Sam and I decided to regroup with the rest. We didn't wanna risk losing anyone else. We meet back into the church and Ava's eyes meet mine. "Oh thank god!" She says, tears in her eyes. She jogs towards me and wraps her arms around me. "He's supposed to be a cockroach. What the fuck?" I say through tears. I feel Ava shaking her head, then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look over to see Kris, I let go of Ava and wrap my arms around Kris. "No more splitting up." He says. "No more splitting up." I say. After our hug, I wipe away some tears from my face to see us being surround by a whole punch of guys, then I see Moncada. I look down to see Y/N's limp body being dragged behind him. He jerks him and Y/N's face is all bloody and bruised. "Y/N!" I gasp softly, my mouth slightly agape. I take a few steps forward in anger, then I hear Moncada say, "Stop! Or he dies!" Moncada places a curved knife against Y/N's throat. I stop walking and lol at Moncada in the eye. "You'll regret it if you do that. I'll kill you myself." Ava says with grimace. "Will I?" Moncada mocks, then presses the knife further onto Y/N's throat, causing Y/N to gasp and choke. "Please don't! Please!" Y/N starts begging. "Oh, don't you worry. I'll make it quick." Moncada says, diverting all of his attention to Y/N. Y/N smirks and says, "As will I." Then his eyes start to glow white and a he blast a giant wind storm, only blasting Moncada and his back up into the distance. "You should've shot me when you had the chance. Now, you're all gonna die." Y/N says with a set jaw. He levitated in the air and a shield of air surrounds him, the cascades several blasts of fire at all the guys around us. "What do we do?" Taunie asks, shaken and scared. "I suggest we stay here and out of his way. It seems like he's got it handled pretty well." Sam says. "I second that." Ava says. I ignore everyone's comments and suggestions as I look up at Y/N, he is a cockroach. I swear, this man will never cease to surprise me.

So, things got outta hand real quick. We're all coward away behind one of the pillars of the building. Y/N killed all of Moncada's back up, with ease I might add. Now he's retorted to blowing punch after punch on Moncada's face. I swear, I heard a loud cracking and popping from a couple of the blows. Y/N definitely dismantled that man's jaw. I have never seen him this enraged before, and I don't think I ever want to again. He sends one final blow, causing Moncada to fall on the ground. Y/N steps over him and kneels down on top of chest, pinning Moncada's arms under his legs.


I pick Moncada up by his collar and head butt him. He groans in pain at the hard impact and grunts as I drop his head to the ground. I hold his shirt in one hand, and punch his face continuously with the other one. I stop as he starts to speak, "You could've just killed me with those powers of yours, boy. But, you thank your creator first." He says, gasping for air softly. My eyes widen a little, I shout in rage and anger as I send a final blow across his face, hearing s loud pop in the process. "You made me like this. It only seems fair if I kill you with my bare hands. I could snap your neck, or choke you to death. Or, I could just do this." I let go of his shirt, then I place one hand on top of mouth, and the other on the bottom. I struggle to open it at first, due to him fighting back snd squirming under me. But once I got the upper hand, I slowly open his mouth. He yells and screams in agony as I see the flesh of his skin tearing by his mouth. I start to cackle softly as I see the light leave his eyes. Before I rip his face off, I tell him, "You should've never, fucked with me or my family ever. Have fun fitting in hell with Victor." Then I quickly rip his face off. What once was his stiff body, is not now limp and lifeless. I stand up to my feet and throw his head down to the ground. My eyes stop glowing and I take a deep breath. I turn to the rest of the group and see Nate running towards me. "I wouldn't. I'm covered in blood. God knows where this one has been. You can touch me all you want after I shower. Let's get this shit done and get outta here. I've got my revenge, now let's get what we need and get outta here." I say to the everyone, and walk past them to where the copper and silver is.


We're all back in Kris' castle now, I'm all cleaned up and safe here, in my fiancés arms. Nate hasn't let me out of his sight since he's seen me alive. I honestly thought I was gonna die. I've had several near death experiences before, but this was next level. I'm sitting next to Nate, curled in a ball, in his arms, straddling his side. I have my head nuzzled in the crook of shoulder as I rubs my thigh with one hand and traces small circles and hearts on my back. Neither of us have a shirt as it's warm outside and we're trying to stay cool. I hear Nate sniffling a bit, causing me to look up at him. I see his face flushed, and tears forming his eyes as I meet them with my own. I grab the side of his face and wipe the tears away. "I'm not going anywhere, Natey. I'm right here with you, and I plan on keeping it that way." I say, trying to make him feel better at almost losing me. Nate wraps his arms around me and starts to sob. I gently push on his chest to I can sit on his lap and hold him. He cries into my chest and says, "I dunno what I would've done if you actually died, baby. I would be a wreck!"
"A bigger wreck than you are right now?" I tease him. He looks up to me and says, "Stop! Stop teasing me! I almost lost you! You're the love of my life, damn it! I love you, babe!" My face softens and I wipe away more of his tears. "I know. You're the love my life too, sweetheart. I'm sorry for scaring you. But, I'm staying right here. With you, not because I love it when you're holding me. But simply because, I never wanna leave your side ever again. We should have ever split up. I'm so sorry, baby." I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him close to me. "Please don't do that again. That was so scary." Nate whispers. I smile and say, "I don't plan to. I think I'm done with this life. I wanna go back home. Do you?" I look into Nate's gorgeous brown eyes, he nods slowly. I pull him in so I can press my lips to his. I moan into the kiss, feeling Nate's lips form into a smile against mine.

"I love you." Nate and I say simultaneously.

Victor Sullivan's Son (Nathan Drake x Male Reader) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat