Thirty Days of Day

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The thirty days of night is over, and now it's time for thrifty days of day. Y/N and I are going out to town to do a big grocery haul. The roads are horrible, they're always horrible. It's always snowy here, which I don't mind, it's just annoying with the icy roads. Especially black ice, you never know when that's gonna show up. "Babe, you're shivering. Gimme your hand." Y/N says from the passenger seat, I hold my hand out to him and feel Y/N grab it with both his hands. Three seconds later I feel a warm shock run through my body that instant warms me up. "There. That should've worked."
"It did. Thanks, baby." I say with a smile. I rest my hand on Y/N's thigh and squeeze it. "I love you, baby boy." Y/N grabs my hand rubs my knuckles. "I love you too, Natey."

"One cart or two?" I ask Y/N while I'm at the cart return inside the store. "Three at this rate. Maybe four." He mumbles, then he walks up and grabs a cart. "Two, sorry. That was me thinking out loud."
"You're good." Y/N and I look make eye contact with each other, then Y/N walks up to me and leans up and presses his lips to mine. "Mmm, you taste like cherries." Y/N says, licking his lips and kissing me again. Y/N starts pushing the cart into the store and I follow suit. "What's first in the list again?" I ask Y/N looking through the produce section. "Uhh, pretty much almost everything in this area. So, yeah start grabbing—is that who I think it is?" Y/N asks, pointing behind me. I turn over shoulder to see Kris. "Sure is. Hey, Kris!" I call out to him. He looks over to us and smiles, I wave him over and he starts walking towards us. Y/N makes a beeline to his best friend. "KRISSY!!" Y/N squeals in excitement, jumping into his arms. "Ugh! I still hate that name! How you two been?" Kris asks, walking to me and giving me a bro hug.

(K is for Kris, N is for Nate, and Y/N is for Y/N)

Y/N: "Been good. Alaska is actually somewhere where I've wanted to be for a long time, believe it or not. I like the cold. Also, the northern lights are better to see here than any other place in the entire planet. Also...." Y/N extends his left hand out and shows Kris his engagement ring.
K: "No fucking way! You two are engaged? You proposed!"
N: "Yeah. He's the love of my life."
K: "I'm so happy for you two." Kris brings us in for a group hug. "Please tell I'm gonna be your best man?"
Y/N: "I was actually thinking Taunie as my best woman, sorry." Kris' jaw drops, like he's offended. Or like he doesn't understand Y/N's sarcasm. "Duh! Of course you're my best man! You're my best fucking friend!"
K: "Good. I almost had a heart attack there."
N: "So uh, what brings you to Alaska? You ain't here on vacation are you?"
K: "I actually came here with my boyfriend, Danny. We uh,—"
Y/N: "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Backspace, backspace. Boyfriend?!"
K: "Oh yeah. I'm uh, I'm pan. Di-did I not tell you?"
Y/N: "Pfft. NO! I'm actually quite offended. We tell each other everything. I mean, you did tell me you were seeing someone, I just assumed it was Taunie. I didn't know you were actually in a relationship, let alone with a guy!"
K: "Lemme show you who he is. Uh, his full name is Daniel Jarobee." Kris pulls out his phone and shows us a picture of his boyfriend.

" Kris pulls out his phone and shows us a picture of his boyfriend

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Evan Peters as Daniel Jarobee

Y/N looks visibly surprised and says, "You're dating Daniel Jarobee?! Oh my god! He's a renowned fucking treasure hunter! Everything that I know, is because of what he's written in his books."
"So, I take it you're a fan of mine?" An unfamiliar voice says from next to me. I look next to me to see, Daniel Jarobee standing right next to me and Kris with a small smirk on his face. "Uh yes. I love your work so much! The way you described everything to a point, amazing!" Y/N says, fanboying over the man in front of him. I giggle a little bit and say, "Please forgive my fiancé. He is never like this. Nate Drake. Pleased to meet you." I say to Daniel, extending my arm out to him. He takes it and shakes my hand once, "Pleasure is all mine. He's told me loads about the both of you."
"Is that so, huh? 'Cause he told us nothing about you." Y/N says, giving Kris the death glare. "But, I can see why he didn't. He probably don't want me freaking out because of who his boyfriend is. Anyway. Nate and I have to do a lot of shopping today. I expect you to come over tonight and tell me more about this." Y/N says, grabbing my arm so we can go about our shopping. "Nice seeing you guys! See you at the house!" I call back to Kris and Daniel, waving to them.



After four brutal hours of grocery shopping, and spending almost $1,000, Nate and I are finally pulling into our garage. I start grabbing things out of the back of the car. While doing that I hear Kris' thoughts, "Kristoffer! So nice for you to show up!" I say, easing my voice a little show he can hear me from where he parked. "Park in here. Your electric car is gonna freeze up out there." I say before going into the house. I have a small walk from the garage door to the kitchen, I look out the window and see the beauty of the sparkling snow in the sunlight. A small smile slowly makes its way onto my face as I set the bags of groceries down in the kitchen countertop. I turn around to see Nate, Kris, and Daniel bringing in more groceries, and I hear the garage door closing, as well as the car locking. "That's everything, babe." Nate says. "You guys didn't have to help. Thank you." I say to Kris and Daniel.

After an hour of putting the groceries away, I turn on the coffee maker to brew s pot of coffee. "You guys want coffee? I'm starting some right now." I ask the boys, earning nods or mumbled responses from them. "Kris. Come talk with me. Nate and Daniel, you two talk about something somewheres else." I wave over Kris to my direction. Kris gives Daniel a kiss and Nate walks to me to give me a kiss. "Love you, Y/N."
"Love you too, Nate." Nate and Daniel both grab a cup of coffee and get their jackets, then head out the back door to the deck. I pour myself and Kris a cup of coffee and wait for Kris to start telling about this 'adventure' he wants us to go on. "You gonna tell me? Or am I gonna have to get inside that pretty head of yours?" I say in an annoyed, sarcastic tone. Kris chuckles and says, "It's in Barcelona. In a church." That's all he said. "Seriously? What church?" Kris takes out a folded up piece of paper and unfolds it to show me what church. It's the same church that Nate, my father, and I went to to find Magellan's gold. "Seriously? Is this new? How's we oversee this?"
"No, it's been there."
"So we did oversee it. Okay. What do we need to do? Do we need to be prepared for this?"
"Yes. We need to get everyone together for this. It's gonna be a nice addition to our already big bank accounts." I chuckle and scoff at his comment. I look over to see Nate looking into the house, I nod at him to tell him to come back in.


"Alright. So, somehow you two oversaw this while you guys were in Barcelona last time. It's copper and silver. Not much we can get exchange for like what we received with the diamonds and jewels, or what you two received with the gold. It's also my family's inheritance."
"You have family from Barcelona?" Y/N asks confused. "Had family in Barcelona. They're either all dead or moved away from the area. I am much different from my family, and you can look through my head if you don't believe me, Y/N. But, they're bad bad people. They worked with the Moncada family for centuries. I always refused. But, we have one chance at this. One and one only."
"I don't need to look inside your head. I've known you for a while now. And, I can tell by the tone of your voice that you're being serious when you say you're not apart of them." Y/N says, grabbing my hand. "I'm with you, Kris. Okay? I'm in." He smiles. I smile back at him and meet Nate's eyes. "Of course I'm in! This is the shit I live for!" Nate says. "Great. We'll get everyone together and I'll explain more then. For now, let's just enjoy the beauty of Alaska?"
"Yes please! Don't you love the way the snow sparkles in the sunlight?" Y/N asks like s little kid. "Yes I do!"

Victor Sullivan's Son (Nathan Drake x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now