Old Fancy Wine & Spilling Tea

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Once my dad, my boyfriend, and I are all back at the house or mansion or whatever we're staying, my dad opens a bottle of wine. He hands Nate and I each a glass and I can immediately smell the deliciously pungent fragrance. I don't even hesitate, I just gulp it down in swig. "You wanna like savor it or something, bud? Or you can just do that. Yeah, slam it down like you're on spring break."
"I like this." I the glass out the window and snatch the bottle from my father and start taking large swigs out of the bottle. "Ahhh! Yup! This is good shit! Got anymore of it hiding somewhere?" I say walking through the place looking for more wine, while still drinking it out of the bottle. I end up finding some more, and I grab all the bottles I can get my hands on. I run back into the living area shouting in a sing-song voice, "I found more!!" I stop and drop my voice a few octaves and say, "Grab one a feist on the blood of Christ!" I stop myself almost immediately after saying it. "That's fucked up, why would I say that?" I say in my normal voice.

After about eight? Nine? Eleven? I dunno, I lost count, after several bottles of wine it's just me in my father in throwing area. Nate is looking for more wine. I see my dad starting to doze off into sleep, I pick up my slipper and chuck it at him saying, "Wake the fuck up, old man." He grumbles and flinches as the slipper makes contact with his face, "Stop it!" He whines. "Wow! Now I know where I get my whiney behavior from. Wake up, we need to talk." He looks over and nods, gesturing for me to start talking.

(V is for Victor and Y/N is for Y/N)

Y/N: "We are splitting it three ways, right? You're not gonna fuck me or Nate over, are you?"
V: "What? No?"
Y/N: "Be honest with me. It doesn't matter if we had a moment or not, I need to know that you're not gonna stab us in the back. I haven't seen you in ten years, people change in that amount of time." He grumbles a little, and sits up.
V: "You're right. People do change in ten years. I have changed. A lot. I still was looking for the gold when you left, but I was looking for you as well. Now, clearly I need to work on that because you've found me more times than I found you." I chuckle lightheartey. "But um, no. I won't back stab you. I won't back stab Nate."
Y/N: "I don't believe you."
V: "Why?"
Y/N: "Because you back stabbed Sam and left him for dead. I found him, bleeding and dying. He's lucky I found him and aided to him. If I came even two minutes later, he'd be dead."
V: "Wait! Sam's NOT dead?!"
Y/N: "You act so surprised." I sigh in slight frustration, then I see my dad nodding slowly. "I found more red." Nate says as he walks back into the room. "Oh thank fuck. C'mere!" I say, patting the spot on the bench next to me. "Oh no. I forgot to check on Mr. Whiskers!" Dad says after awhile. "I mean the guy from the app says she's fine but, I dunno."
"You have a cat?" I ask at them same time Nate starts saying, "I can't tell which is cuter. Your concern or the fact you said, 'the guy from the app.'" Nate and I both laugh as my dad makes an annoyed groaning noise. My dad and I share a glance at each other, and I shake my head. "Where we heading now?" Nate asks. "There's a flight that they're taking to an island to from off luggage. They're after the gold, too. We follow them, and play it by ear from there. For now, I'm packing and getting ready to leave in the morning." Then my dad leaves the living area and goes to his room.

I end up going outside to the balcony to get some fresh air. I hear the door open and turn over to see who it is; Nate. "Hey handsome." He says, handing me the bottle of wine. "Yes please. Thank you." I say taking a small sip. "You're not too bad yourself there, handsome." I compliment Nate, causing him to blush. I take another swig of wine and hand him the bottle, my hand on the top, and his grabbing the base. Once I know he's got a good grip on the bottle, I pull him in closer to me until the tips of our noses are touching, then I let go of the bottle. I raise my arms up and rest them on his shoulders, interlacing my own fingers together. I back my head up and little bit so I'm not cross-eyed looking at my wonderful boyfriend, I smile at him a little bit. "What? Do I have something on my face?" He asks. I shake my head and lean in, tilting my head slightly to the left and kiss him passionately. "I just wanted to see your gorgeous face, babe." I whisper against his lips. "Well if my face is gorgeous." He whispers against my lips, then pulls away and looks at me. "Your face is beautiful. You're beautiful. Gorgeous. Handsome. Hot. Sexy." My eyes shoot open at the compliment, "Sexy huh?" He bites his lower lip and nods slowly. "I think you're the sexy one...Daddy." I say in retaliation, then bite my lower lip. "Do you wanna whisper that, or do you wanna scream that?" He asks seductively. "God you sound so fucking sexy when you talk like that. It turns me on. And um, I don't whisper when I call you daddy. I either scream or whine slash whimper?" I say in a questioning tone. "I could make you whimper?" He also says in a questioning tone. "Better yet, make me squirm." He lowers his hand left hand to my right butt cheek and gives it a good, hard squeeze. Which makes jump a little into his arms even more. "Do you uh, wanna take this bottle and finish it our room, baby boy?" He asks. I then slowly run my hands down his body and stop at the hemming of pants, I loop my fingers through one of the belt loops on his left side and pull him inside. His hand goes to my lower waist and stays there until we reach our bedroom. "Make sure to lock the door, yeah?" I say to Nate as I'm taking off my shirt. I hear the door lock and I see him taking his shirt off.

Victor Sullivan's Son (Nathan Drake x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now