Night with Nathan Drake

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The driver dropped me and Nate off at his apartment. This night went out fabulously. I kissed a hot man, started a fire, maybe some drama, and now I'm here. Here, with said hot man, in his apartment, on his bed, making out with him. He's sitting on his bed, with his back against the head board, and I'm sitting on his lap with each of my legs on either side of his. Straddling him. His hands are drawing circles on and squeezing my ass while my right hand is on the side of his neck, and my left hand is touching his perfectly toned body. He raises his hands up my shirt, he then grabs the back of my shirt by neck, and rips it completely in half. Taking it off of me. "Fuck..I..didn't were...that...strong." I say in between kisses. He breaks the kiss and takes his own shirt off. My eyes shoot up and I smile widely at his perfectly toned an ripped body. I slowly place my hands on his chest, feeling up his bulging pecs. Then I roam my hands through out his shirtless self and feel all of his muscles; his biceps, pecs, and abs. "What's the matter? You want me to put it back on?" Nate asks breathlessly. I look up to his eyes and grab his face. "NEVER. Put it back on." I whisper to him.
"Yeah, well I've been working out baby." He whispers back to me in a dominant tone which makes me giggle. "We should um, eat something. Like actual food." I say, unstraddling him and getting off his bed. He grabs me by the waist and whines, "Noooo! Stay here! Come sit back on my lap!" I giggle and lean down to give him a kiss, then I take his hands off my waist. "I don't fuck on the first date, that we haven't gone on yet." I say heading into Nate's kitchen.

I grab a cook book that Nate just has laying around, and flip through the pages until I find something sounds good. I stop when I find a recipe for pierogi. I stop and place my thumb on that page, slightly closing the book. "This isn't a Polish cook book is i- JESUS CHRIST!" I turn around and see Nate right behind me. "Don't do that! I could've beat you into a pulp." He laughs and wraps his arms around me, "Sorry, love. Umm no it ain't Polish. Why?" I open the book and show him the recipe for pierogi. "I'm making this. My birthday wasn't long ago, something I always eat for my birthday." I then start to grab all the ingredients and start making the dish. While making the dish, Nate and are talking.

(N is Nate and Y/N is Y/N)

N: "You didn't tell me you just had birthday."
Y/N: "That's because I don't celebrate it anymore. Haven't in ten years. Never will."
N: "Can I ask why?"
Y/N: "No. It's a touchy subject. But, this is what I've always eaten for my birthday. And I didn't eat at all that day. I remember. I just cried that entire day."
N: "I'm sorry."
Y/N: "Don't. It wasn't your fault. It was your partners fault."
N: "Sully is not my partner."
Y/N: "Good. Cause if he'll end up dead by the end of this so called, journey, anyways."
N: "Why do you wanna kill your father so bad? I don't understand."
Y/N: "Like I said, touchy subject. Food's done. I'm gonna clean up and head out."
N: "Why? You can stay here."
Y/N: "I've over stayed my welcome, and if we keep talking about me wanting to kill my father, it's gonna turn into an argument that I don't want. I'm sorry Nate. I really do like you, but..." He stops me from leaving by softly grabbing my wrist and pulling me into his arms. He hugs me and whispers, "I don't want you to leave. Let's just, drop this, and forget we ever talked about it. I wanna taste your cooking with you." He let's go and grabs my shoulders and rubs circles with his thumbs. "Would you consider that a first date?" I think about it for a second, I nod and lean in and kiss him softly. He kisses me back and smiles. "C'mon darling. Let's eat." He grabs my things and sets them down, then takes me hand and leads me to the dining table.

After eating and cleaning up, we're just laying in his bed. His arm around my shoulder and I'm resting my head in the crook of his neck. We're holding hands and just enjoying each other's company. After several minutes of contemplating on if I should or shouldn't tell him, I end up spilling the beans. "He's the cause of my mother's death."
N: "Hmm?"
Y/N: "Victor. He killed my mother. On my 13th birthday. I've been following him for ten years, in hopes of a good time to kill him. But every time I get a good shot. I can't go through with it. Just two months ago, I was with an old buddy of mine and I saw him talking to Chloe Frazer. He was saying that she killed my mom."
N: "Oh my god, Y/N. I'm so sorry."
Y/N: "You can't believe a single word out of his mouth. He's using you. You're the map to the lost gold, he just wants you to show him where it is. After that, you'll never see him again. You don't have to believe me either, but. I know the man my father is, and I have unfortunately become just like him. I want this gold too, but I don't need to find a 25 year old to be my map. I just need the crosses."
N: "What do you mean by that? He's using me? How? Why?!" I take a deep breath in and sigh, then sit up and lean back to Nate's head board. I look at him and say,

"Because he used your brother, too."

Victor Sullivan's Son (Nathan Drake x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now