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Minho unlocks his apartment door with a groan. His lock has been broken for weeks now, so the door is a pain in the ass to open. His apartment is dark and dingy when he enters, but he doesn't care.

He looks at the piles of mail he has on his kitchen table, then looks to his fridge in the other corner. He walks over and pulls out a beer, popping off the top with no struggle.

His life has been like this for years now. Every day he gets home to just sit around and drink, then leave the next morning. He doesn't bother to do anything else, hence the bills on his table.

He goes out every once and while, to fill the empty void he has in his heart. Dates don't make him feel the same anymore.

He has the money to pay them, but that money could also go to his alcohol fund, so he chooses the booze over anything. He has to make a compromise when things get too bad.

He walks over and sits on the sofa, turning on the television. The news is boring, nothing is going on in this shit town anyway. He flicks through the channels, really finding nothing on.

Just as always there he is, sitting on the sofa with his cat because that is all he has. He was not always like this, however. He actually hasn't had anything or anyone since Highschool.

High school is a very touchy subject for Minho. It is when he peaked. It is when his life changed in unimaginable ways, it is when he finally got away. When he finally became a human.

He has never been a popular or smart kid, he was always just there.

Growing up, he was actually considered weird a lot. He didn't speak or show any type of emotion to anything, but anybody could blame his home life for that.

And that's exactly why he was the way he was. His fucking parents, they ruined him. They were selfish and never cared. Some might say his mother was a sweetheart and deserved better, but Minho thought the opposite.

She chose to stay. She chose to live that life and stay with a man who hurt her. She chose to stay and put herself, and her own son through tears of abuse.

She had so many opportunities to leave and did multiple times, but she always went back to the bastard. She always came crawling back, believing all the apologies and sweet nothings.

The bastard, however, was a whole different story. The man was fucking every word in the book, a bastard, a narcissist, a cheat, a liar, an abuser, and a damn shitty father.

He spent so much time at work, and when he was home he was just angry. He was also a fake. He faked having a beautiful life and a beautiful family, he faked being a good man.

He faked being a good husband. He cheated on his wife who wanted nothing more than for him to love her, for him to pay attention to her. He hit her, called her names, told her what to do, controlled her.

He never cared once for his own son. He never was there to care, since his stupid fucking job was more important than his own family. He thinks his mother only stayed for the money, which is a shitty reason to stay with a man like him.

The worst part was the fact she took it all, when she didn't even have too. She knew what was love and what wasn't, she had a good family. She had recourses to leave, but she couldn't part from the worst man she could ever be with. Minho had to come to the realization that money wasn't the problem, something else was.

No one else knew what went down in that house, no one else ever will. Not anyone that can do anything about it, at least. Minho likes to believe if someone cared, it wouldn't have been the way it was for him growing up.

He gets it though, because he wished he could go back now. He left in Highschool, moving into his own apartment with the money he had saved. That was partially why he started to open up more, because he was away from what was holding him down.

The other reason, was the only man he had ever loved. Minho never knew he was gay, he never even knew he was straight, so when he met him he had no clue what he was feeling.

The boy changed his life, in so many ways. He taught Minho how to love, how to feel, how to show love, and every else. He had his first everything with that boy.

However, it's all gone now. He's gone now.

He is fucking dead.

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