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Eight months later

"Ahh, the man himself." My manager steps up and pats my back. "How are you feeling.. you ready?"

I nod my head, staring at my reflection in the mirror as I'm getting my makeup done. "I've already done the hardest part, now it's just the signing." I say. "Can't be that bad."

She smiles. "That's the spirit. Plus, you already nailed the press conference." She praises. "Your trending on Twitter right now, can't you see?"

I chuckle. "It would help if I had Twitter."

She hums, nodding her head. "I keep forgetting your like, not up to date." She giggles.

"Hey!" I say. "I am, I just got tiktok!"

She chuckles. "Oh god. Please don't go down the tiktok path.."

I roll my eyes at her words, and she giggles one last time. "Well anyways, you are on in about.." she checks her watch. "Five minutes. So wrap it up everyone." She starts to clap, hustling everyone.

My makeup artist finally finishes up, so I stand and fix my clothes. I spend the last five minutes getting my self ready, and filling my stomach so I don't get grumpy since I didn't eat. After the five minutes are up, I head to the main room where all the people are.

I'm doing a signing for my book i released a month ago. The book immediately got a lot of attention when I published it, and now it's become one of the most read books of the year. I didn't expect all the success, but I'm so glad it came. I think I deserve it after all the hell I have been through.

I started the book the day I sent my first letter to Minho. After reading the letter myself, it inspired me to want to write about my illness, and how it can harm relationships. I created a romance story between two, and had mental illnesses crash their perfect relationship. In the end they work out, however.

I walk onto the stage, and everyone starts to cheer for me. I smile at everyone and wave, absolutely loving the attention. I finally feel like I'm worth something, and that I've made something of myself. I couldn't be more proud of myself.

I start to say a few greetings, along with giving another brief speech. After that, I then I get to the book signing. I sit at a little table with multiple copies of the book piled up, and start to sign one for each person who comes onto the stage.

I love this part, so much.

I like seeing all the different faces come onto the stage, and I like to write down all the different names with hearts surrounding them. I like to interact with the people who care about me, with the people who are proud of me.

I also like looking at all the different kinds of people in my crowd. I find it fascinating how all these people love me, even when they all carry around pieces of their own lives. They carry many memories and many of the lessons they have learned in their lives, yet they like to read the story of mine.

All these different faces have different minds filled with different knowledge. They have their own stories and secrets, and they have lived their own lives. I like to just sit and admire everyone who is influenced by my writing.

I like to know I'm the one influencing them, and I could possibly be the one that makes them feel better. I remember the person who made me feel better. I remember the feeling of having somebody who cares, and all I want is for others to have that feeling.

I smile to myself as I remember him. I wonder how he is doing. I wonder what goes through his mind when he thinks of me. All these good things are happening, and I wish I could call him and tell him about them.

"Im so proud of you." The little girl speaks, fixing her glasses. "You are who I want to be when I grow up." She says, taking her book and running off.

I smile at her words. I get told that a lot now. When I revealed in an interview that this book was about my personal grievances, i was suddenly hit with a huge support wave.

I have never been okay with the fact people know my struggles, but I'm okay with it now. Because I know I'm not alone. And i know that me revealing the truth, also confirms that the ones struggling like I was are not alone either. All i want is for people to understand it's okay to not be okay.

I sign many different books, and write many different messages. I take a sip of my water, bringing my attention to something else for a minute. When I refocus, I am met with the face of Lee Minho.

I raise a brow at him, and he smiles at me. "Can you sign a copy for me?" He asks. I want to laugh because of how silly the question is, since it's a book signing event.

I simply smile at him, taking out a book from my left—and signing my name on it. "Any special message?" I ask.

"How about 'when am I going to get an answer?'" He says.

I look up at him, then back down to the book. I write down the words 'chapter thirteen.' on the front, and hand the book to him. "You're holding up the line." I say.

He furrows his brows, but he takes the book anyways. I smirk as he walks away, rummaging through the pages. I can't help but chuckle. All because I planned this so perfectly, and it was going my way.

I knew I was coming to do a signing for my hometown, and I knew Minho was going to come. I knew it all so well, so I purposely took a special copy just for him. In chapter thirteen of that book, there is a red envelope in the pages.


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