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"Hold still." He smacked my cheek.

"Ouch." I say, rubbing my cheek.

He gasps. "You are ruining the makeup!"

He grabs my chin, holding my face still. We are applying the halloween face paint right now, since the school wants us to dress up. We never came up with a costume, so we are going to be vampires.

"Alright, it's done." He places the brush down, examining my face. He smiles. "Why am i so good at everything?"

I giggle, getting out of the uncomfortable chair. I take a look in the mirror, admiring the scars he made. To be honest, they actually do look really good for a beginner. But I would never admit that, he's already full of himself.

"Alright, should we get going?" He asks, adjusting his white blouse in the mirror.

I look at him, then his blouse. In a swift movement, I stand in front of him and button the blouse up more. If I didn't do so, his whole chest would exposed to everyone. "Now we can."

"Why did you button it?" He whines, "I like it unbuttoned."

"You are going to flash everyone." I say.

We exit the bathroom, heading to the kitchen. He continues to explain how the unbuttoned look contributes to his costume, but i argue he shouldn't be showing everyone that.

I ignore his words now. "Eat something before we leave, and quit your whining."

He sighs, finally stopping. He takes a granola bar, grabbing his bag and heading out the door. I follow him, doing the same thing. We head to the car and start driving to school.

It's a Friday, and a holiday, so we only have a half day today. I find it exciting, meaning we can spend the rest of the day together.

The first thing we are informed of when we get there is the assembly this morning. I don't get why there has to be an assembly for Halloween, it's mostly a kids holiday. But there is, and now we have to sit through his blabbing.

I'm not complaining about how long it is, since it means our classes will be shorter, but I am not liking it for the reason that it's an hour of listening to an old man stutter out words about costumes and Halloween safety.

After the assembly, I have math class. Then after that, I have English with Jisung. Then sconce alone, and then history. And then after all that, it's lunch and time to go home.

Math class went by quickly if I am being honest. I didn't really pay attention the whole class, since we didn't really do anything important to pay attention too. The same goes with English, if anything the teachers wanted to get out just as fast as the students.

Lunch is fun, however.

"Hi jisung." I smile to the younger male approaching my table. I pop a grape in my mouth, a red one of course since the greens ones aren't as good.

"Hi Lee know." He says, putting down his lunch on the table.

I scrunch my nose. "Lee know??"

I don't like the name Lee know. It was what I decided to go by in my old school, so it's a haunting memory. Hearing Jisung say it doesn't really sit right with me, for various reasons.

He steals one of my grapes, popping it in his mouth as he speaks. "You call me Jisung, so I will call you Lee know."

I don't even bother telling him to not talk with food in his mouth. "Why? What is wrong with me calling you your name."

"Because I like Han better. Everyone else calls me Han, so it's kinda sorta weird." He pokes at his cold pasta the cafeteria gave him.

"But I am not everyone." I say making a face.

"Oh yeah right." He says, looking back up at me. "You're the special Minho."

"That's about right." I say.

He chuckles. "Whatever. On a different note, what is the plan for today?"

He finally stops poking at his sad meal, setting his fork down. He doesn't eat any of it, he just looks at me instead. He puts his arms on the table and props his head up with one of them as he looks at me.

"I don't know. How about you come over around six and we can go to Hyunjin's Halloween party?" I suggest, raising my brows.

He furrows his, making a confused face. "Hyunjin's party? He's having one?"

"You didn't know?" I tilt my head.

He shakes his head.
"It is news to me." He says.

I hum. "Well yeah, Hyunjin is having a Halloween party. But it's not a big one, it's just the dance club and a few others."

"Well the dance club is pretty big." He says, in a tone that shows he is thinking of something. "How many other people are coming?"

"He didn't give me an exact answer," I say. "But if I had to guess I would say over twenty, under fifty."

He frowns. "That means there is a forty-eight percent chance that someone will copy our costume."

He says it like it's the worst news in the world. He takes his hands down and off the table, and puts his head down now. He had a frown mixed with a worried expression on his face before he hid it.

"Why so specific?" I chuckle.

He looks back up at me. "Because I already know everyone in the dance team's costume, which is twenty-six people. So if fifty people come, then I don't know twenty-four people's costumes. And fifty multiplied by two is a hundred, twenty-four multiplied-"

"By two is forty-eight I know.." I say.

"Then why did you ask.." he says grumpily.

"Well because I didn't know then." I say like it's the most obvious thing ever. "After you started to explain I caught on."

He hums, nodding. "Okay then."

"Well anyway, does that sound good?" I change the subject back to the original one.

He tilts his head. "Does what?"

I stare at him with my eyes squinted. "You.. –coming over at six.." I say slowly.

"Oh yeah!" He pipes up. "That's fine."

He gives me an innocent gummy smile. I just smile back and nod my head. When he looks away though, I slowly shake my head. I worry for him sometimes.

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