Chapter 17: Another Damn Festival

Start from the beginning

As I thought to myself, I gazed at the decorum that surrounded the school field.

There were already strings of text that hung above an adjacent entrance, announcing the festival to anyone who saw it. 

In a lot of ways it was similar to the things we did with the festival committee, but this time it was for sports, and thankfully I wasn't involved this time. 

Timeskip to the Service Club

Once again, all three of us were together, sitting in the Service Clubroom as we waited for requests to walk through the doors. Occasionally someone would come over, but it was only once every week or two. 

Yukino: "What should we do about this...?" 

Yukino held a cup of tea in her hand, a small plate in her other hand to place the cup on. She took a sip of her tea as she stared at a laptop in front of her. 

Peering over, I took a glance as to what she was looking at. It was an email we had apparently received from an anonymous person. 

Yuigahama sat alongside Yukino, reading the text that the anonymous person had sent:

"I'm looking for ideas to make the athletics festival a blast. Also, it's my last festival, so I want to win if I can!  -MeguMegu" 

Well, at least they don't appear to be harmful, and clearly it's from someone in the school. However, that "MeguMegu" part is a little... extra. They couldn't spare the effort to put their actual name?

Yukino: "I never enjoyed the athletic festivals..."

Y/N: "You too, huh."

Yukino: "Yes. Being picked last, or having to partner up with the teacher because we were one person short was an embarrassing experience to say the least..." 

Y/N: "There's also way too much pressure from the team... Always yelling."

"Well, I can't fault them if it's a thing they're passionate about. You'd probably get mad if something you were interested in suddenly falls down to last place because someone in your team was slacking off. Like a group project." 

"I always had to do group projects on my own. Doing the work of four people simply feels trivial now. It's not something I worry about too much. If anything, the project would probably be better if I did it on my own." 

As Yukino and I took a deep sigh, Yuigahama looked at us sympathetically, mostly because she never had to deal with that struggle. Yuigahama could see the clear fatigue on our faces, as she sweat dropped with an awkward laugh. 

Then, the door to the Club opened, catching us off guard. We turned to face the door, finding Meguri, as she entered the room with a smile.

Meguri: "Hey! U-Um, I sent an email. I don't know if you guys got it, so I decided to just come here myself..." She pressed the tips of her fingers together. 

Ah, so the sender of that email must've been Shiromeguri Meguri... MeguMegu, in other words. 

Meguri: "Well, as I said in the email, I want to make the athletics festival a blast, just like the cultural festival." 

The cultural festival certainly wasn't a blast. Not for me, and especially not Yukino. By the end of the cultural festival, Yukino had been heavily overworked, and I was despised by practically the whole school. 

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