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I began running and held onto my arm. I think I might have landed on it wrong. I could hear the voices get distant the farther I ran, and I could still hear screaming. I hope he was not killing anyone. I stopped a little to turn back, and for a moment, it did not seem like he could have been following me. I backed away nervously, wiping the sweat from my forehead. This was a bad idea.

I wiped my hand on my shirt and felt my breathing increase. "Francis?" I heard a voice. I turned around horrified, and soon started running again. Only this time, I heard someone running behind me too. "Oh Shit, Oh shit, Oh shit!"

I continued to run, and I would swerve around to try and lose him.

I turned back to see if anyone was following me when I suddenly ran into someone. I held my head nervously and looked to see someone I did not expect.

"Gilbert! What the hell are you doing here? We have to go!" I spoke. I began to pull him, and I hid behind a tree. "What are you doing here?" I asked, confused. He looked at me seriously and tilted his head.

He hardly talked to me at the office beside the times he wanted to turn off the television when they talked about the victims. "I should ask that about you," he started. I looked at him and began to feel something strange about this situation. "FRANCIS!" I heard a shout.

My eyes widened, and I turned around, horrified. Arthur was still chasing after me. "We should go!" I spoke. I tried to grab him, but he stopped me. "But why? Who is following you? We should wait and see!" He began to laugh. "Huh? No! We need to go!" I tried to pull away.

Gilbert grabbed my wrist tightly, and I looked at him, confused. "What is your deal? Let go!" I yelled. I began to throw my arms around, but he continued to hold onto me. "What is up with you?" I asked. He grabbed my shoulders, spun me around, and held me against his chest.

Arthur finally caught up with me and looked at the sight, shocked. "What are you doing here?" Arthur asked. "Ugh! You are an idiot! I've been right under your nose this whole time!" Gilbert spoke.

What? I am so confused.

The last time I checked, neither of us ever hung out or talked to each other much. I looked at Arthur, confused, and he looked equally confused. "Listen, you suck at hiding what you are, so give it up. We can all walk away and pretend none of this happened. But, Francis here has seen too much; he has to go..."

"What?" Arthur asked, shocked.

"Yeah! What?! Are you going to kill me?!" I asked, shocked at what the hell was going on. "It was you! I knew you had to have been working at that place!"


I was so confused.

I stopped moving around and began listening to their conversation to understand what they were talking about. "Ugh! I hid it so well, but you started working there and made things so obvious! Then! This idiot over here wanted to be BFFs with you!" Gilbert said, annoyed.

"Hey!" I wasn't that much of an idiot.

"You can't kill him...I won't let you!"

What? Why are they suddenly going to the option of killing me?

"Hey, can't we talk this out? I won't say anything," I laughed. Gilbert pulled me away to look at me and shook his head. "No! You know too much!" He spoke.

"Are you going to do it? Or will I have to?"

Wait a minute...is Gilbert also a...?

Wait! If he did all those other murders, what about those men who attacked me? Was that also him?

"Sorry, I'm a little confused."


"Yeah, you are admitting you are guilting...does that mean you killed those three men from the other night?" I asked. Gilbert looked at me, confused, and I tried to think about it. "No! That was me! I did that! But those other people, that wasn't me! It was him! I swear..." Arthur spoke.

"But how did you look healthy once in a while and then not?" I asked.

He laughed nervously and scratched his head. "I go to a blood bank once in a while...and I steal the blood..."

I blinked my eyes at him.



"None of that matters! You know too much, and I need to get rid of you!"

"Hey! Can't I at least die knowing the truth?" I asked. He had pulled me to look at him again, and he lifted a brow. "No! You won't be getting out of this alive at all!" He spoke. I already knew what I needed to do to get out of this situation. It was going to require fast reflexes and a lot of running.

He suddenly opened his jaw wide, and it terrified me.

It was like some Pennywise the clown kind of shit!

My eyes widened, and I immediately reached into my shirt for my silver necklace. I took it out and threw it into his mouth, and he began to turn red. He started wheezing, and I am pretty sure it was choking him but affecting him like google said it would. "Shit, sorry!" I said, a little worried that he started to choke on the necklace.

He finally let go of me, and I pushed him to the ground and started to make a run for it. "FRANCIS! WAIT!"I heard Arthur shout. I knew he had begun chasing after me, but I was going to run to Alfred or Matthew's house. I was freaking out and did not want to be alone. I probably looked like complete shit right now, and I was really tired of running, but I had to keep going. I do not have any other options at the moment.

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