Enemies of the heir

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"Are you going out for the quidditch team?" A low voice asked behind me at the back of the library.

I whipped round at the voice and saw Malfoy standing behind me with his bag slung over his shoulder and his arms crossed. I narrowed my eyes.

"No." I said simply and turned back around to continue reading my book.

"Why?" He demanded, sliding in front of me with his back against the bookshelf.

"None of your little ferret business." I scoffed, flipping a page in my book.

He snatched the book away and glared at me. "I'm not asking because I genuinely care about you or your extracurricular activities, I want to know who I'm going up against."

"Threatened by me are we?" I joked then stopped and realised what he said. "What do you mean who you're going up against?"

He smirked widely. "It just so happens that I've made seeker for Slytherin."

"You so did not. Go away." I waved him off.

"I so did. Check the quidditch board." He hissed.

"How about you go check it and leave me alone." I hissed back, trying to grab my book.

"Why aren't you going out for seeker for Ravenclaw? Or did they already reject you? Clearly you aren't as good as you say you are." He shrugged.

I glared hard. "I didn't get rejected." I grabbed my book back from the tosser whilst he smirked.

"So they didn't even let you try out? How sad." He leaned against the bookshelf smirking.

"I'm not trying out at all. And not because I got rejected, Malfoy but because Ravenclaw already has a seeker. Unlike you I can't demand everything my heart desires." I fumed.

His brows furrowed. "You're Nova Slater, don't act like you couldn't ask for a tissue and half the school would come running to your aid."

"Correction, unlike you I'm not so entitled that I think or expect people to bend the rules for me because of my last name. Also was that a compliment? Don't flatter me so." I grinned.

He glared at me, a regular thing with him. "I was pointing out a fact, not a compliment. I think all this reading is getting to your head."

I lifted up my book mockingly. "Reading is good for your head, Malfoy. Maybe if you learned to read you'll get what I'm talking about."

"I can read, idiot." He growled. "I just don't do it obsessively like you do, in the sad way that people with no friends or lives do."

"Sad? No friends? No lives? Malfoy you really need to start loving yourself more. It's 1992 for gods sake." I smirked.

"I despise you." He glared.

"Well at least we have that in common." I slid the book back on the shelf next to Malfoy's head.

"Bye, ferret boy." I waved mockingly as I grabbed my bag and left the library, leaving Malfoy behind fuming with a pink face.

I was actually really bummed about quidditch, Ravenclaw already had a seeker and it didn't matter how good i was if they won't let me try out. I don't wanna steal anyones spot on the team and yet at the same time I did.

I wasn't completely heartless about it though, the current Ravenclaw seeker Cho Chang was extremely nice, especially to me as she's had to wake me up a few times from falling asleep in the common room in my search for the grey lady.

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