Willow o whisp

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"I can't treat patients when all of you are hovering around like that!" An agitated voice floated around.

"I understand why you're here but she isn't going to wake up with all of you pestering around like some— MR PAINE PUT DOWN THAT BEDPAN!"

I lifted a hand to my head, eyes still shut and groaned loudly. I felt horrible. I started rubbing my eye lids and slowly peeled them open. I wasn't in the forest like I remembered, I was in the hospital wing.

My hand went straight to my pocket to find that the scrap of cloak was still nestled in my pocket. I would have to hide that in my trunk later, until I discovered what it was or meant. I did that with most things I couldn't figure out, the necklace for instance...

There was a curtain across my bed, separating me from the rest of the room. They must of heard my groan because Madam Pomfrey whisked back the curtain and started patting my forehead.

"She's awake!" Someone squealed, most probably Adeline.

"About bloody time. We were about to chuck your body into the lake." I heard the distinct voice of Blaise say.

"We could still do that..." The voice of Malfoy echoed in that spiteful way he talks.

I groaned again as Madam Pomfrey pressed her fingers to the back of my head, feeling for something.

"Should be a tad sore but it shouldn't hurt anymore." She gave me a glass of water to sip. "You'll need to take something for that head though, one moment, dear."

I took it gratefully and grasped onto it, taking small sips. I heard Madam Pomfrey scowl as she went to treat another patient and disappear into her cupboard stores. "Sending children into the forest, what were they thinking..."

Once I put the glass down a thousand, or it felt like, people rushed to my bed. Atlanta had her hands all over my face, trying to feel for some invisible injuries on my arms. Luke was repeatedly asking me questions.

I coughed and wheezed a bit. They all took a step back, not Malfoy though as he stood as far away from my bed as possible already. Why was the git even here?

I grabbed the water glass again, took a sip and fell back into the bed. Them at looking at me expectantly. "Carry on." I muttered weakly.

"What the hell happened?!" Luke was saying.

"I already told you idiots she—" Malfoy started but Blaise cut him off.

"He said you ran off and hit your head?" Blaise jerked a thumb at Malfoy.

"Pretty much." I coughed.

"You are such a little idiot sometimes, Nova." Will was glaring at me.

"I didn't hit my head on purpose!" I glared back at him.

"If she was going be suicidal, I'm pretty sure she would of warned us." Atlanta said with a laugh and then whispered to me. "Your not, are you?"

"No!" I whispered back.

"See? She isn't!" She said proudly.

"Wait!" I said suddenly remembering. "How's Harry? Hermione and Neville?!" I couldn't believe I had forgotten as me and Malfoy had left Harry all alone with that thing.

"Mr Potter, Miss Granger and Mr Longbottom are fine. Although you'd all be a lot better if they stopped sending children into the forest, practically alone at night! Absolute chaos."
Madam Pomfrey came busing back into the room, with a very large bottle of potion.

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