Dead unicorns and Mars

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"Follow me," said Filch, lighting a lamp and leading us outside.

I was walking slightly behind Harry and Hermione unfortunately giving Malfoy the opportunity to come up beside me.

"Lovely evening isn't it?" He said beside me, I could practically feel him smirking.

"Yeah really lovely. Would be even more lovely if I didn't have to be stuck with you for an hour though." I gritted my teeth.

"Shouldn't of been smuggling a dragon then, should you." He scoffed.

"What's it to you? You're real smart aren't you, Malfoy. Getting yourself into detention, great plan. Really well thought through." I sneered.

"How should I know the teachers at this pathetic school are more dense than a mountain troll? Don't you worry, Slater. My father—"

"Will hear about this. I know I know. Bloody hell you have got to get a new catch phrase." I said looking at him distastefully, "Or a new personality, but that's probably too far a stretch."

"Shut up, Slater." He hissed.

Feeling rather childish. I stuck out my tongue. He looked rather scandalised and gave me a glaring look before strolling ahead.

Bloody idiot.

"I bet you'll think twice about breaking a school rule again, won't you, eh?" Filtch said, leering at us.

"Oh yes . . . hard work and pain are the best teachers if you ask me. . . . It's just a pity they let the old punishments die out . . . hang you by your wrists from the ceiling for a few days, I've got the chains still in my office, keep 'em well oiled in case they're ever needed. . . ."

Oh yeah this dude is definitely nuts.

"Right, off we go, and don't think of running off, now, it'll be worse for you if you do."

We walked across the dark grounds, I noticed Neville was here suddenly as his sniffles were surprisingly loud.

I love how the punishment for being out of bounds at night is to be out of bounds at night.

Really smart idea whoever came up with that one.

As we were lead across the ground, the moon that glowed the castle suddenly vanished as a massive dark cloud came over it. Leaving us in utter darkness.

"Is that you, Filch? Hurry up, I want ter get started." A familiar voice called and Hagrid came from the back of his little wooden house.

I hear Harry let out a sign of relief and Filtch scowl at him.

"I suppose you think you'll be enjoying yourself with that oaf? Well, think again, boy — it's into the forest you're going and I'm much mistaken if you'll all come out in one piece."

Neville let out a high pitched squeak and Malfoy roughly stopped in front of me, causing me to stumble into the back of him.

"The forest?" he repeated, and he didn't sound quite as cool as usual. "We can't go in there at night — there's all sorts of things in there — werewolves, I heard." He rambled, looking very scared.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh yeah send five eleven year olds into the forbidden forest. Really excellent idea, tell me do you come up with these yourself?" I sneered at the filthy old man and he scowled at me.

He scowled at all of us. "Should of thought of all this before you got in trouble, shouldn't you?"

Hagrid came striding towards us, Fang in tow and holding a large crossbow. Yeah perfectly safe.

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