Snowballs and mirrors

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Hogwarts went all out for Christmas. In the week leading up to the holidays you couldn't find a single dusty corner that wasn't covered in decorations. It was kinda annoying how my birthday was on December 25th, everyone always cheats you out of two presents but it was nice how I had snow whenever it was my birthday.

"Seriously," Will groaned, reading a letter on Tuesday in the great hall. "Looks like we're staying here for Christmas."

I looked up from the book I was reading. "It'll probably be fun. Why though?" I ponder, I mean Janie gave us a massive speech last year about how we were not to forget her and Luther now we were at Hogwarts.

"I dunno. Some Work dinner they gotta go to, didn't want us to be alone she said." He shrugged.

"I do feel sorry for all those people that have to stay at Hogwarts because they aren't wanted at home." Malfoy was mocking behind us.

"You aren't wanted at home either, your parents just feel sorry for you, shame Malfoy." Will was muttering even though it didn't make much sense. Malfoy didn't hear this.

"I just feel oh so sorry." He kept mocking.

"Slater, what about your parents? You do have them don't you?" I gripped my book forcefully.

"Well there either dead or don't want you. I don't know what's more worse off." Pansy was cackling.

"Parkinson. You've been warned before, both of you shut up about my parents. It's not my fault that yours don't love you that you feel the need to interrogate me about mine." I barked, going back to my book.

"Pansy your mother looks more dog than human. I don't think that counts." Blaise had chipped in and Will burst out laughing.

Potions was, if possible, was even more terrifying. Since the incident with me and Atlanta catching Snape trying to sneak into the trapdoor on Halloween, it had been a bit tense, Snape of course couldn't confront us about it without giving himself up. So it was dirty looks and evil stares.

After potions we met up outside a tree near the black lake. Luke, Atlanta and Adeline had been in the library all the morning trying to study before potions today, Snape particularly liked to pick on the Ravenclaws because he couldn't pick on the Slytherins, well he doesn't pick me very often but I think we all know why that is.

"Ah shit, I've left my wand in the library." Atlanta said, patting her pockets.

I got up and bushed my knees. "I'll grab it. I need to run there anyway." I said, I did really need to grab a couple books.

When I got to the library I spotted three head bent down in concentration. "Hey guys." I said.

Harry's head popped up, followed by Ron and Hermione Granger. "Hey Nova." He said.

"Whatca doing?" I asked, peering at their books.

"Oh we're trying to find out what hidden under the trap door, Hagrid told us it has something to do with this guy called Nicolas Flamel—" He was cut off by a look off Hermione.

"Harry I don't think you should go around telling people about this!" She whisper hissed.

Harry blinked. "No it's okay. Nova already knows, mostly."

They told me all about what Hagrid had said, how he'd let slip that whatever the dog was guarding was something to do with a man named Nicolas Flamel, even though Hermione was resigned to tell me anything.
Where have you been looking?" I asked.

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