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(Extract from the deleted original version of fantastic beasts by Newt Scamander)

Old world dragon
(Also known as king of dragons)
M.O.M. Classification: XXXXXXXXX

For many centuries people have wondered whether Old world dragons were even real? Were they myths and bedtime stories fed to frighten children? Or were they real, living breathing gods and goddesses of the sky.

Nearly every young witch or wizard is told the myth of old world dragons. Monstrous beasts that controlled the uncontrollable creatures of our world, hunted muggles and wizards alike. Every story of them is different, some had black spots along their backs, some had boils on their skin the size of unicorns but in every story there is one detail that stays the same. That the bewitching blue glowing eyes belonged solely to the king of dragons.

You must be wondering how come there's all these legends and storys but no proof of this king of dragons. The fact is that their is no proof that they really existed, their existence is rumoured to only be recorded in ancient texts that have long been lost.

Because the odd thing is that people who rumoured to have lived beside them all said the same thing, they vanished. One day all the normal dragons came out of hiding, the population increased rapidly among muggles and wizards, by them not being devoured on the daily of course, and the world started to forget that these beasts ever existed.

But some people were not so easily convinced. How could something that caused so much terror and some much massacre could so simply vanish like nothing. For years people believed they were hiding, some thought them to have died out and some had a theory.

Everyone knows that Salazar Slytherin descended from the likes of Snakes and serpants. As unusual as that may be even to the wizarding world. Some people believed that the king of dragons had shape shifting powers that enabled them to turn into a wizard form. But the question was, why would they shape shift into wizards when they were already controlling the world? It's simple nature really, when a predator has no other predators they are able to do whatever they please, eat anything they wish until there is nothing to eat. Soon old world dragons were going extinct from the low amount of food remaining, in any other species this would lead to extinction

But old world dragons had shape shifting abilities so instead of dying out, they adapted to survive.

So they permanently shape shifted into wizards, these were wizards that had the powers of old world dragons yet looked completely human, they were something else entirely.

They held the magic of ancient unearthly creatures and looks that bested any Siren or Veela. Otherwise known as the Slater family.

The slater family is famous for a number of reasons, producing beautiful unearthly looking children, having ancestors that could be traced all the way back to the time of Merlin, being pureblooded, known for family members attractive features and looks but above all else they are famous for holding the powers of old world dragons.

It's said that along the bloodline as Slater family members mated with other wizards that their dragon blood got more tainted and less pure as the family line went on due to other ordinary wizard blood getting mixed with theirs. But every family member every so often is birthed with pure dragon blood, nobody really knows why or how but that family member is blessed with the powers of their ancestors. When a Slater family member is born with these powers they will also inherit the same unearthly blue eyes the king of dragons possessed. When a Slater child like this is born it's a global event and every historical book will hold their name.

But every Slater rumoured to have these powers has never been able to fully control them, be that due to fear or denial. Some say people tried hunting Slaters with these gifts because they were unnatural according to other wizards so Slaters born with these gifts suppressed them, leading to each of their deaths.

Not that any of that matters now, according to records the last family member born with these gifts died a hundred years ago and there hasn't been another since.

The old world dragon is the only creature that has ever been able to command every single living organism in the world and probably always will be.

No Slater family member has been gifted with these powers since the old ages and maybe they never will.

But never never really means never.

(This extract was found in a mysterious house fire of Newt Scamander's house in 1927. This extract was the only copy ever made and was lost in the fire therefore was never published in the book.)

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