Mermaids and red socks

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That night when we got home not only did we get bollocked but grounded until the end of time (In Will's words) or more accurately until we left for Hogwarts, which wasn't too bad, despite Will's dramatics, considering we were leaving for Hogwarts in two days.

While Will sat and sulked, even though he was the entire reason for said grounding. I was fine painting in my room, although the countless times Will would arrive randomly because he was bored was rather irritating.

On the night before we left for Hogwarts, Janie sat us both down.

You could tell it was serious as she had another stern look on her face, Luther, her husband and Will's father who unfortunately wasn't around too often due to his job he worked over time at the ministry, was also there. Which meant it was very serious.

"I think we all know how important it is that we warn you to be careful, both of you come from centuries old family's. My father was a Slater same as your father Nova, we both grew up with that name and its expectations and worries. Will ,honey, you probably won't face the same troubles as Nova at school because you are a Paine, but Paine's are still pure blood and that will come with its own issues.

But you two must remember your privilege, not everyone is born in golden cloth and fed with silver spoons. It's nothing you should be ashamed of but something you should acknowledge, never and I mean never should you think you are above or better than someone because you are 'purer' or wealthy. Because it isn't true, it would not matter if you kids were born in the streets, I would still love and value you the same." She says, eyes teary as Luther rubs her shoulder.

Without intending to, I turn my head away. Not able to look at her. She's wrong about the privilege, before I met her, I may have slept in golden cloth and been fed with a silver spoon but i never had the privilege of being normal, I don't remember much—or really anything from my childhood strangely enough, the healers at st mungos had all said it was normal for some children to forget, but not everything surely? Even so I don't recall it being good, if it were I might of remembered it. But I know with certainty I would trade all my golden sheets and silver cutlery for that sense of safety any day.

"Luther, take Will upstairs." She whispered as she looked over at me, Luther gave me a small smile as he gestured for Will to follow him up.

"It'll be tough, people like to bully the ones who they wish they were. And you being who you are, beautiful and famous. They are all going to wish they were you. And that's normal, jealousy and anger and sadness, it's what makes us human. But that doesn't mean you have to tolerate it, show them once and you'll never have to do it twice. You can never escape who you are, I've tried and it didn't work. You can only ever embrace it.

So embrace it.

You are your father's daughter, intelligent and calculated and your mother's daughter with your beautiful black hair and pale skin but your eyes, Nova they are completely you, so pure and bright, unlike any other.

Your eyes represent blood that has never been Dominant in our family until you, Nova you have Dragon blood in your veins, you are the first Slater to be gifted with these eyes in over a century, but it isn't just your eyes, Nova.

I see the way you are with magical creatures. The fairies I see you played with when you first arrived, the nymphs you would visit without anyone else knowing. You are so different, in the best way. But it's a difference that you have to learn to hide, I know things have happened to you in the past, not the specific details but I know you've had a lot to dealt with. But you must be careful now you are going to
Hogwarts, just promise me you'll be careful." She rushed and I blinked so confused by what she had said, my eyes, dragon blood, fairies and nymphs. It was too much.

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