"OH MY GOD!!!" Taylor screams, startling Jade from her seat. Taylor grips both her shoulders and slightly shakes her. "You're also awake! When did it happen?"

"Awake? What are you talking about? I didn't come here sleep-walking, did I?" Jade tilts her head in question.

"Tell me, how did you know my name? Do you remember?"

"Uhm – I...uhm..." Jade pursed her lips as she tried to remember how she knew Taylor's real name. From what she can recall, neither Perrie, Leigh-Anne, nor Jesy didn't mention it to her. They're only referring to Taylor as T-Swift. "I don't exactly remember. Why can't I remember?"

Taylor released her grip from the brunette's shoulders, her excitement died off a little. "Bummer...you only remember fragments. The future Jade knew my real name. I guess that's because the future Jade is still you. Somehow, the information that future Jade knows is connected to you, but you don't remember everything that's happened in the time loop. You don't remember those times in the grocery store or on the road that you and Perrie met. Or the things I said to Perrie to convince her not to get the microcircuit from the future you."

"I wish I could remember, but I don't..." Jade sighs as they share a brief silence. "Why are you telling me all these things? The second timeline, the time loop, all those memories I never knew existed. All this time, I thought you've moved on and you choose to live somewhere away from us."

"I'm still trying because I always have this feeling that Perrie will come back," Taylor admitted. "If you know that a person is truly gone, you know it deep down. It's not denial or grief, you just know–"

"That they're really gone..." Jade finished Taylor's sentence. "But Perrie, I don't feel that she's really gone. I feel like she's somewhere waiting for us to do something, so she can come back..."

Taylor looks at Jade, she could still see a spark of hope in the brunette's chocolate orbs. She wasn't wrong about the woman. She knew Jade felt it too.

"Exactly! That's why I'm telling you all these things. Because I know, even if I don't make a lot of sense, you understand me..." Jade looks at Taylor. Her blue eyes are so distracting because it's exactly the same as Perrie's eyes. And out of nowhere, Jade had a flashback to when she dreamt of Perrie's eyes shot open while she was inside the cryostasis chamber.

That distinct dream was so crystal clear that she could remember how Perrie's eyes were boring into her soul. And then, the flashbacks came to her like a movie on rewind, only it's ten times faster than normal. Jade had to shut her eyes and avert her gaze from Taylor. She attempts to alleviate the whiplash by holding her forehead.

"Are you okay?" Taylor asks.

It was so fast, but now...everything that Taylor said to her from the time loop – she can remember them clearly. She felt dizzy for a second, so she leaned back and rested her head to gaze up at the ceiling.

"Jade?" Taylor asks again.

"I...I remember them. Jeez!"

"Remember what?"

"Everything you told me. Those vegetables and fruits that Perrie bought from the grocery store, I bumped into her and picked up the tomatoes that fell," Jade recalled, her eyes still shut. "On the road where my car crashed into hers, that was in Canada. I was on the phone talking to Liam. I remember her watching as the daffodils dance with the wind – I remember them all."

Taylor's mouth was agape, she couldn't believe how the brunette remembered everything. But for Jade, it was simple, she knows it was Perrie trying to reach her.

"How did you..."

"Perrie. She's doing something – wherever she is – she's trying to reach me. I haven't told you this but..."

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