Gina, however, stops Horacio, from finishing, and says that he should stop because she is tired of him, and feels disgusted at how he is objectifying her by looking at her like a piece of meat and an impossible goal he must achieve. Antonio tells Gina to relax because getting worked up is not good for her or the baby. He then turns towards Horacio and tells him to man up, leave Gina alone and move on. Antonio then asks Gina, if she was done with what she was doing. She says she was. He asks her if she can follow him back to one of the boardrooms as he checks on something. Gina agrees and they leave. Horacio watches them and says that he will have Gina and that Antonio will not be able to stop him.

Later, Emma, Martin, Hector, Adrianna, Gina, and Antonio sit together for lunch. Emma asks Adrianna what Aranza said her plans were. Adrianna says that Aranza is not sure either. She then looks at Antonio and says that she doesn't feel good about, Aranza being around Carlos, Helena, or anyone from their crowd, for extended periods. Antonio says he will talk to Aranza about it and find out what her holiday plans are.


Aurelio watches, Aranza prance around, and asks her why she is so restless. She just says she is unsettled at the thought of doing nothing, for four months. Aurelio asks her if she has ever thought of getting an internship at the company. Aranza looks at him, surprised, but admits the thought has never crossed her mind. Aurelio says the company was her father's, and with her two older siblings dead, she will run it someday, and she is almost 18, so the earlier, she starts learning how it operates the better. Aranza thinks about what Aurelio has said, and agrees with him. She then rolls her eyes and says that it means she will speak to her mother about it. Aurelio hugs her. He says that as unpleasant as that is, it is a necessary evil.

Aranza looks at Aurelio and says that he should come too. Aurelio is shocked at the suggestion and says that that is probably not a good idea. Aranza asks him why it isn't when he will earn some extra money, and gain some skills. Aurelio says he knows her mother and Carlos don't like, him, Gina, or Hector, and they won't be happy at that. He adds that he also would not want it to seem like he is taking advantage of being her boyfriend, to get opportunities. Aranza says that she knows that he loves her and that Helena and Carlos, opinions don't matter. She adds that she will talk to Antonio, over the matter, and see what he thinks. Aurelio asks if he will tell Adrianna as well. Aranza says Adrianna worries too much but she will.

Meanwhile back at the mental hospital, John is in his room. He is filling a puzzle. Nurse Rosalia comes in. He smiles warmly at her and then continues with his puzzle. She gazes at his work and is surprised at how good he is. She tells him, how quickly he is recovering. John says he is happy about that, but it pains him, that he still has no idea, who he is, and that he has only recovered flashes of his memory. Rosalia, tells him, to remain strong and have faith because it is a step-by-step process.

Later that night.

Aranza and Antonio were both at the mansion. Aranza knocks on Antonio's bedroom door. He opens it and lets her in. She goes and sits on a chair, that's adjacent, to his work laptop. He asks her if she is in trouble. Aranza says she is not. She adds that she wanted to talk to him, about something. She then says that if he is tired, she can still come back some other time. Antonio says that he will never be too busy or tired for her. Aranza tells Antonio, about her idea, to get a part-time job at the company during holidays, and asks him what he thinks about it. Antonio says he thinks it is a good idea, because she will run it in the future, and she should start to understand how it works, now that she is almost 18 years.

Aranza, says Aurelio, said similar things. Antonio says she looks up to him as a role model so much, that she looked for a boyfriend who is a genius like him. Aranza rolls her eyes and throws a pillow at him and he smiles. Aranza then says she is scared, of what the future holds, of what her mother and his father might do, as far as ownership of the company goes. Antonio says that she should not worry because he and Adrianna love her very much and will be there to guide and help her. Just then, there is a knock on the door. Aranza goes to open. It is Adrianna. She looks at both of them and asks them what, are they discussing that they aren't telling her. Adrianna looks at both of them suspiciously and folds her hands. She then sits on a small couch near the window.

Meanwhile, Aurelio and Hector come into the house. They have bought Gina fruits. She thanks them, and says it's so nice to feel loved. Hector says he's just making do with what he has because he cannot return to sender. Aurelio gives Hector a high five and says that was funny. Gina rolls her eyes at both of them and then unpacks the fruits. She starts feeling nauseous, and both Hector and Aurelio rush to her. She waves them away and says she is okay.

She adds that some foods just make her feel nauseous. She says right now she cannot stand pawpaws, bananas, or avocados among other fruits. Hector asks her what she wants to eat. He reminds her that she has to eat fruits, to keep both her and the baby healthy. Aurelio asks her if she will try, apples and plums. Gina says she will. Hector cuts one for her and she tries it.

Meanwhile, Adrianna, tells Aranza that she too thinks getting a job at the company is a brilliant idea and she loves it. She assures Aranza that, she will be there for her.

On Wednesday, the person Juan Patricio sent calls to say that, the sample from the hospital, is secured and that they are waiting for his own. Juan Patricio, says that will not be a problem and will be arranged within the day.

Later, Gina is in one of the ladies washrooms, when Isabella, comes in and stares at her with pure venom. Gina ignores her and continues looking into the mirror. Isabella, as usual, is out to cause trouble. She mockingly asks Gina, if she thinks she has reached, now that she is carrying Antonio's baby. Gina places her lip gloss in her bag and turns. She looks Isabella over and walks past her.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now