Elsewhere, Anna Patricia calls Martin. He initially tries to ignore it, but she repeatedly calls, so he picks it up. He is outside his house, having just come from a friend's house. From the tone, he can tell his mother is not happy with him. He asks her if she is okay and she says she is. She says, that she has heard about some things that he was a part of and she is disappointed in him. Martin has no idea what she is talking about so he asks her. Anna Patricia, says she knows the twins were the ones who sent the birthday card to Helena, and he was probably a part of it because he usually knows what the twins are upto. Martin listens patiently as his mother scolds him about the birthday card.

He knows better than to interrupt his mother or grandmother when they are talking. His mother says that that was a very dangerous and reckless action that could expose the twins' secret before the time is right. She also adds that it was in bad taste considering, everything that had happened, and how much Aranza had suffered as a result. Martin defends himself and says he did not help the twins, arrange anything. He says he only found out when Adrianna mentioned that Helena had told Antonio to trace the emails, and he knew the only two people who could do that were the twins. Anna Patricia makes a sound, and Martin knows she does not believe him.

Later that night, Hector opens Gina's room. Adrianna is standing near a mirror looking at herself. When she notices that he is looking at her, she turns around. He asks her if she is okay. Adrianna shrugs and she says she is fine. He sits near her, and holds up her chin, and gently strokes her face. Adrianna stands up and paces around. Hector watches her and smiles. He then comes and puts his arms around her. He asks her what is bothering her. Adrianna folds her arms and says that she was just assessing how fat she looks, and how, she will only gain more weight. Hector tells her that none of that matters because; he loves her just the way she is and for who she is. Adrianna looks at him like she does not believe a word he says. Hector kisses her and she kisses him back.

Elsewhere, Emma asks Martin what happened, because he looks, a little off. He assures, her it's nothing. She asks him who he was talking to because she heard him talking to somebody. He says it was his mother, calling to scold him about something she thought, he had done with Hector, but it's not serious. Martin then goes to the kitchen. Emma looks at him a little suspiciously. She has a feeling that there was something he is not telling her. What is it?

Meanwhile, Gina is on the balcony, at Antonio's house. She is thinking about her past. Specifically her parents. Antonio who had gone to pick something in the car he had left, places, the parcel on a table, and searches for Gina. He knows she loves nature and the outdoors, and heads to the balcony. When she hears him coming, she wipes her face. Antonio touches her face and asks her if she is okay. Gina breaks away from his embrace and says she is. Antonio runs one hand through his hair. Gina can be extremely frustrating.

She was obviously crying, but she won't open up to him. Antonio asks her why she won't open, up to him, when she clearly is going through something. He asks her if she trusts him. Gina says she does. She adds that it is just pregnancy hormones, making her emotional. Antonio asks her again if it's only the pregnancy that's bothering her. Gina insists it is. Antonio still has the nagging feeling that it isn't but drops the subject.

Back to Hector and Adrianna,

Hector reluctantly, pulls away from Adrianna and says that they should leave before anything else happens, and the drama queen, causes a fit and gives him a good tongue lashing. Adrianna smiles and says that he should not be so mean and say such things about his cousin. They go to his room. He asks her if she is okay. Adrianna says she is. She adds that she was just thinking, about the relationship between him and Gina.

She adds that she can tell that he loves Gina, even when he makes fun of her and that they are so much like twins. Hector momentarily pales. Adrianna touches his face and asks him if he is okay. He says he is and tells her not to worry. He begins to kiss her and she kisses him back. After a while, Hector reluctantly pulls away from Adrianna and gently carries her to the bed. He gently kisses her as they undress each other.

Later on Saturday, Gina and Anna Patricia go together to visit John, as Hector goes with Aranza to take pictures. Martin meanwhile is jogging in the park. He takes a break and sits down to drink a bottle of juice before continuing.

Shortly after, John, as usual, is happy to see them and asks about Hector. They tell him that Hector went to take pictures with a friend. John, out of nowhere tells them that he used to take pictures when he was younger. Both Anna Patricia, and Gina are caught off guard by his comments. Anna Patricia, asks him how he knows. John walks around and says that he does not remember how he knows but he just knows he would enjoy doing that.

Back with Hector, and Aranza,

They are at one of their favorite spots. They take pictures and then sit down. Hector notices that she is quieter than usual and asks her about it. Aranza says that she does not want to bother him, and take advantage of his kindness. Hector takes one of Aranza's hands, and puts it on his larger one, and says that he loves her like a younger sister and she will never be a bother to him. He adds that whenever she needs him, he will be available. Aranza says that she still cannot help thinking about, the mystery birthday card, her mother got, because it reminds her of the family she lost. Hector is overcome with guilt and hugs her.

Meanwhile, Martin is walking near some children's swings when he runs into Marianna. She scoffs irritably making him smile wryly. He asks her where she left her broomstick and her black gown. Marianna glares at him and moves closer to him. She reminds him that she can be very dangerous. Martin stares her down and says he doesn't fear her. Marianna smiles and asks him if his boring, girlfriend has tired him already.

He glares at her and says she has no idea what she is talking about because Emma is a lady, which is far more than he can call a common street tramp like her. Marianna glares at him, then catches him off guard by kissing him. For what seems like a split second, it seems like both of them react to the kiss. The moment is quickly over and Martin pushes Marianna away. He then tells her she is crazy and starts to leave. Marianna smiles.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now