She seemed very embarrassed because her cheeks took on a pinkish hue and she pressed her lips into a straight line. I turned back to Raiden to be enlightened as to what exactly Mrs. Jeon meant by that, and Raiden's panicked expression found me.

"We were just hanging out, Reva. I swear," he said desperately. I smiled reassuringly at him, quietly telling him I believed him. Raiden never lied, even when he knew he could get in trouble.

"Hanging out. Does making out sound like hanging out to you?" The woman stood up now as if her anger was too much for the sitting position. She seemed like she needed to stand tall in the room, probably trying to make us small in the process. "What if he got her pregnant!"

"Mom, we didn't do anything like that!" her daughter's voice rang out, but she was silenced by her mother. I only spent ten minutes in this woman's near presence and I didn't need to see more to know how dramatic she was.

Sure, she was right to be upset that someone uninvited was in her house, and seeing your kid making out with someone was certainly weird, but I didn't see why all this fuss was taking place when it could be resolved peacefully.

Teenagers did these things a lot and if both were safe, why the hustle?

Maybe I thought all these things because I didn't have children, but I knew that if I had children someday, I would educate them better than Mrs. Jeon. Not that I was saying anything about their parenting, but that was exactly what I was saying.

"You know I can report your cousin for trespassing, don't you?"

Oh, now she was threatening us?

I raised my nose, now turning completely toward her. A mocking laugh rumbled in my chest. "You're welcome to try."

She brought a hand to her chest and looked around, checking for confirmation if what she had just heard was right. We ended in a silent scowl, but neither she nor I stepped back from it.

For some reason, her annoyance gave me satisfaction, because I loved putting people in their place who thought too much of themselves.

Mrs. Jeon opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, the door to the room that Raiden had said Father was in swung open. But out stepped another young man in a tuxedo, looking like a bull that had just seen red.

It was Jungkook. The second son of the family and an arrogant jerk, according to everyone I had known since high school. We weren't in the same classes because he was older than me, but it was enough for me to know this because people had never stopped talking about him.

He slammed the door behind him and a picture hanging on the wall shook with the harsh slam. His eyebrows were drawn together, but he adjusted his bow tie before taking long strides out of the room.

"We don't slam doors, young man!" his mother huffed after him, but he was already out of sight.

I hadn't seen Jungkook since his graduation, but his attitude still seemed the same, which honestly didn't surprise me in this family. I did wonder about one thing though and that was what must have been talked about in that room that made him so angry.

Mrs. Jeon dropped back into her seat and silence took over the room. The party went on below and I knew the guests were wondering about the hosts because thirty minutes had passed since I arrived and I knew this had been going on longer than that.

The young girl shifted from one foot to the other next to her mother, but her head was still hanging low. I felt bad for her because both Raiden nor she had done anything bad. At least not bad by my definition.

Vows of Betrayal | Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now