A blossoming start. Shine Cure Sakura.

Începe de la început

(A/N. Not my art.)

"You called my queen." He said and bowed down. "Seems like the two special fairies have gone into another world to find legendary warriors. Go after them before they find pretty cures. And collect some light orbs while you're there. Don't disappoint me!" Calypso said and Carlos nodded. "Yes my queen." He said and teleported away.

Kyoko and Aoi was walking home from school and talked. "I don't understand why the school day was so short." Kyoko said a little sad. "It's so we know what's gonna happen during the school year. And don't over shower us with school work." Aoi answered. "Oh yeah. It does make sense." Kyoko laughed together with Aoi.

They walked through the park when they suddenly heard two screams. It came from the sky so they looked up to see two small objects fall down on the ground besides them. "What was that?" Aoi asked scared. "I don't know. But let's check it out." Kyoko said and walked towards the two objects. When she got closer she saw that it was a little pink bear and a little blue wolf.

 When she got closer she saw that it was a little pink bear and a little blue wolf

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

(The wolf and bear.)

"Aww they're so cute." She said and Aoi walked closer and saw the small animals. "They really are. But what are they doing here?" She said as Kyoko picked up the bear. Somehow she felt a small attraction to it. "They need some care. Let's take them home to me." She said and stood up. Aoi was a little hesitant but picked up the wolf and followed Kyoko.

What they didn't know was that Carlos was watching. "Curses. Those two girls got them first." He said before thinking a little. "I know. I steal someone's inner light orb. Then I can trick them to give the fairies up." He laughed and jumped off.

In Kyoko's home was she and Aoi watching over the two animals. "They look so peaceful." Kyoko said smiling. "Yeah. But I've never seen a bear or a wolf in those colors or that small." Aoi said. Just then the two animals started to move, making the girl back up. Both animals woke up and saw the girls.

"Uh. Hi." Kyoko said and the bear hid behind the wolf who growled at the girls. This made Aoi hide behind Kyoko. "Ok ok. Just relax. We're not gonna hurt you. We're friendly." Kyoko said and the wolf looked at her. "Who are you-ya?" He asked and both girls got stunned. "You can talk!?" Kyoko asked. The bear walked up too. "Yes we can-yi." She said.

The girls looked at eachother and then the talking animals who seemed to have calmed down. "Well. I'm Kyoko Hanako." Kyoko introduced herself. "And I'm Aoi Tojo." Aoi spoke up. "Who you. And what are you?" Kyoko asked. "I'm Yinsy-yi." The bear said. "And I'm Yangso-ya." The wolf said. "And we're fairies from the Kingdom of light-yi." Yinsy said.

"Fairies?" Kyoko asked. "Kingdom of light?" Aoi added. "The Kingdom of light is a wonderful kingdom full of hopes and dreams-ya. It's our home-ya." Yangso said. The girls looked shocked at the wolf fairy's story. "So what are you doing here?" Aoi asked. "We where sent here to find the pretty cure-yi." Yinsy said. "Pretty cure?" Both girls said at the same time.

Ninja light Pretty cure.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum