Chapter 12

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It was a couple days later, we was already back home from our vacation to the Bahamas. The rest of our days there was fun, but now it's back to normal life. I was in the living room making me something to eat then someone rang the doorbell. I walked over and peeked out the peephole and standing there was Sabrina.

What could she be doing here?

I opened the door "Can I help you?"

"Well first off, why am I seeing pics of Rell going around on instagram of him on vacation and you're in the pictures?"

"Where exactly are you seeing these pictures at?"

"I saw the pictures on your mom's page, that's besides the point."

"What are you even doing on my mom's page?" I chuckled "Like what the fuck."

"Does it matter? What are you doing on vacation with my man after I told you to stay away from him?" She crossed her arms and gave me a death stare.

"Well last time I checked you guys weren't together anymore."

"We always break up and get back together, so don't think you have a chance here."

"Well Sabrina." I stepped in her face "I don't think I have a chance, I know I have a chance, because he asked me to be his girlfriend." I smiled.

"What?" She chuckled "You can not be serious."

"Oh, do you wanna ask him yourself?" I pulled my phone out "Or do you wanna see some pictures for proof?" I scrolled through my camera roll showing pictures of us kissing "It goes on, and on, and on."

"I knew there was something going on between you two, you're nothing but a stupid slut." She turned to walk away then faced me again "Oh, and remember, the same way you got him is the same way you'll lose him." She turned back around and walked off.

"Whatever, bye." I closed the door and locked it, I walked back into the kitchen and started cooking my food again.

I started to think about what she said, what if she was right? What if he loses interest in me and then cheats on me with someone else? I know I shouldn't be letting her get to me but she might be right about this.

My mom walked downstairs "Hey sweetie."

"Hey mom."

She walked into the kitchen grabbing her a snack from the cabinet.



"Do you think Rell would ever cheat on me or anything?"

"No, why, do you think that?"

"I don't know, he told me that he only wants me but who knows if he told Sabrina the same thing when he got with her."

"I feel like you and Rell just got together, you shouldn't be having thoughts like that unless you really don't trust him, do you trust him?"

"I mean, I guess so."

"Ashley, it's a yes or a no, do you trust him?"

I sighed "No, I don't."

"And why don't you trust him?"

"Because while he was with Sabrina he was kissing me, it kind of makes me think what could he be doing behind my back?"

"But he broke up with Sabrina because he knew it was wrong right?"

"Well yeah, but he never told her about us."

Suddenly I got a call on my phone, it was from Rell.

"That's him calling." I answered the phone "Hey."

"Hey baby, what you doing?"

"I'm just making me something to eat."

"Damn, I was just gonna see if you wanted to go grab a bite."

"I mean, we still can."

"So I'll be over to pick you up in a few."

"Okay, see you soon." I hung up the phone.

"So are you gonna tell him how you feel about him?" She grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

"Yeah, hopefully he doesn't take it the wrong way."

"You're telling your boyfriend you don't trust him, of course he's gonna take it the wrong way, there's no right way to take it."

"Okay mom, thank you for the talk but I think I got this."

"Okay, well if you wanna talk about anything else or need anything then just come get me." She walked off upstairs.


It was 15 minutes later, Finally there was a knock on the door, I opened the door "Hey baby." He kissed me on the lips.

"Hey, before we go can we have a chat?"

"Of course." He walked into the house and I closed the door after him.

"So Sabrina was here earlier, she basically told me something that had me thinking about me and you."

"What did she tell you?"

"That doesn't matter, I just wanna know can I really trust you in this relationship?"

"Of course you can, you don't trust me?"

"Not really, I wanna trust you but in the back of my head all i'm thinking of is what if you leave me for someone else? or what if you cheat on me the same way you did Sabrina?"

"Oh wow, so you don't trust me and you think i'm a cheater?"

"Well you did kiss me, not once but multiple times while still being with her, we did way more than kiss."

"And I felt guilty about it so I broke up with her, I didn't tell her what happened between the both of us because I didn't wanna hurt her feelings, I know I should have told her but now it doesn't even matter what we did."

"But at the end of the day you still cheated, whether you wanna admit it or not."

"Ashley, what did she say to you to have you thinking like this? I told you that I only wanna be with you." He stepped forward.

"But how do I know that? I don't know that!"

"So if you don't trust me why even be with me? Why even tell me that you wanna be my girlfriend, better yet why even tell me that you love me?"

"Because I do love you and I have loved you for years, but like I said I can't stop thinking of you breaking my heart."

"So if you don't trust me maybe we shouldn't even be together." He opened the door and left out, slamming the door behind him.

"Fuck, I didn't want things to go that way." I sunk into the couch.

I definitely didn't wanna argue with him, and now I kind of feel bad.

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