Chapter 8

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"Ash, let's go before we miss our flight!" My mom yelled to me.

"Just a minute!" I was in my room closing my luggage up, I made sure I packed enough outfits and shoes just in case.

I grabbed my suitcase and rolled it out the door and down the stairs "Okay, I'm ready."

"Good, let's go." She held the door open for me and Luke.

"Took you long enough." Luke pushed me out of the way and walked out first.

"Oh well, I had to bring enough stuff."

"We're only gonna be there a week, you don't need lots of clothes."

"Just mind your business." I put my suitcase into the trunk and then got in the backseat.

My mom and Luke put their things away then got inside the car "I'm gonna stop by to pick Rell up, so let him know to come outside and have everything ready." She told Luke.

"Okay." He started texting Rell.

I couldn't wait to get away on a trip, and more importantly, I couldn't wait to spend some time with Rell.

We arrived at Rell's house 10 minutes later, He was already waiting outside, he dragged his suitcase to the car then put it inside the trunk then got in the back with me.

"Hey everyone." He said.

"Hey Rell." My mom and Luke replied.

She drove off "You don't have to stop at Aliyah's house, her parents drove her to the airport so she's waiting for us."

"Okay good."

The rest of the ride to the airport was quiet, we finally arrived and saw Aliyah standing outside with her suitcase.

"Hey baby." Luke got out of the car and kissed her.

"Hey babe." She smiled.

I got out and grabbed my suitcase from the trunk "Hey Aliyah."

"Hey there Ash, are you excited?"

"Of course I am."

"I am too." Rell walked over with his suitcase.

"Let's hurry and go, we got 15 minutes" My mom rolled her things into the airport and we all followed behind her.

This was gonna be a long flight.


After a long five-hour flight, We were finally here in the beautiful Bahamas. We were already in the cab on our way to the Airbnb we were gonna be staying at.

After a 30-minute cab drive we arrived at the Airbnb, we paid the driver then got out and grabbed our stuff from the trunk. We walked up to the house, my mom entered the pin code then we walked inside.

"Ooh, this is nice." Aliyah said.

"Yeah, I like it." I smiled.

"Okay, there are 3 different rooms, I get a room to myself, Rell and Luke you're gonna share a room, and Aliyah and Ashley you'll share a room."

"Mom, I'm grown and in College now, I wanna share a room with my girlfriend, Not another grown man."

"But then Rell and Ashley would have to share a room, Ashley are you comfortable with that?"

"I mean yeah, I have no problem with that."

"Hmm." She thought about it for a few "Well okay, I'll let you guys swap."

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