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A faint pitter-pattering of rain overlapped the echoing footsteps of the short witch as she headed to the apartment, her head hanging low. The week had flew by, and today, the duo would find themselves spending their first Friday night in each other's company. Escaping to Allium's apartment for a few hours wasn't an option as the woman had headed back home with her husband for the weekend.

Having spent the past few days as Evan's roommate was proven to be rather enjoyable for the witch, however, every social interaction was inevitably haunted by a faint fear of acting in odd ways - and a whole weekend around the werewolf meant a lot of time making sure he wouldn't dislike her for whatever reason. Skye couldn't tell for now whether that yearning to make decent acquaintances came from her own needs or if it was one of the many unpleasant traits that she developed due to her family's antics.

Letting out a breath she'd been holding for longer than intended, the girl finally walks into her apartment. At least I get to sleep until noon tomorrow if I want to.

"Skye, I have great news!" The werewolf greets his roommate with unforeseen excitement, catching her off guard. "We got a TV!"

The witch stares at the wall before their only cozy seat and, upon finding it still empty, returns a puzzled glance to the wolf. "Um, where is it...?"

"Right here!" Evan grins and raises a small gadget to his eye level. "Okay, it's not a TV, but it's close enough. I asked the library staff if I could borrow one of their wireless projectors, and they said sure, can you believe this?"

"Oh, boy." The witch hangs her bag onto the backrest of the nearest chair. Though fearing Evan would find her a massive bore, she felt the need to question the process anyway. "Did you tell them this was for no academic purposes whatsoever?"

"They didn't even bother asking, just made me register it on my ID like I was borrowing a book." With a shrug, he adds, "Guess I wasn't the first to show any interest on this sort of equipment." He places the little cylinder back on the floor and gives it two little pats.

"That's great news! Just... Try not to borrow it for fun during the busiest days." Skye fiddles with her sleeves and stutters, afraid to upset the werewolf, yet still concerned enough to voice her opinion, "Maybe people have more serious uses for these things."

Wow, she's really worried about this. Didn't see that one comin'. Contrary to Skye's innermost anxiety, Evan had found her attitude rather endearing, though he figured it'd be odd to point that out. "I get ya, but don't worry about it. I probably won't have time for movies around midterms or finals... and I don't think they'd let me borrow it with no questions asked if they didn't have enough equipment to spare, too."

The witch nods, "Yeah, that makes sense."

She stands by the dining table, checking on random social media notifications, slowly reaching to grab her bag and move into her bedroom, when her actions are interrupted by an unexpected question.

"So, you wanna watch something?"

The grin that accompanied Evan's question nearly made the witch lose her footing. Thinking back to their first meeting, Skye was able to vaguely recall her roommate had indeed mentioned a movie night. However, there's no way she could've predicted a formal invitation taking place so soon.

Should I take it seriously? Would it be weird if I denied it? Assuming the situation would only grow more awkward the longer she took to respond, the witch asks the next random thing to come to mind. "Is there any popcorn in the kitchen?"

The man's expression goes from radiant to slightly disappointed, and he shakes his head, "Nope, already checked. I got something else today, though. Check the fridge."

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