• Chapter 35

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"I didn't do it," Cindy repeated again.

Everybody was stunned. On the inside, Molly was freaking out. She's never actually seen a dead body. She attended her mother's funeral with Tessa, but her mother was in a closed coffin. This was very different. The Gambler, from what it looked like, was just murdered. On the outside, Molly couldn't take her eyes off him. She took a few steps back to stand next to Beth, who looked just as freaked out as she was feeling.

"I came here to see if the Gambler had any connection to the lame robbery earlier," Cindy explained, easily seeing that everyone there was suspicious of her.

Molly's eyes trailed down to the gun, which was smoking from it firing. The others must've been looking at it too because Cindy looked down at the gun and told them, "It-It was on the ground when I got here. It accidentally went off."

Courtney was the first one to take a couple of steps forward, causing everyone to follow it suit. Molly and Beth only took a tiny step forward, not wanting to get close to the dead body. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Beth looking super uncomfortable. This whole situation was probably freaking her out, and Molly completely understood. The two girls reached out and held each other's hands out of comfort. Courtney bent down and picked something up that had fallen out of the Gambler's pocket. It was a bright pink envelope with name that Molly couldn't ready from the distance. However, she had a good feeling who it belonged to by the way Courtney held it up to her chest and sighed sadly.

Molly looked over at Rick and Yolanda, who just had their gazes dead set on Cindy. Thoughts were running like crazy through her mind. It would make sense that Cindy killed the Gambler. It would've been the very obvious choice. But was it too obvious?

And if it wasn't Cindy... then who else could it have been?


When more attention began to arise at the crime scene, they left the trailer park and arrived back at the Pit Stop. However, Cindy went back home. Or at least that's what Molly assumed. After tonight, who knows where she is.

Once the five of them had changed out of their suits and into their clothes they wore to school, Pat and Sylvester had arrived to talk about what happened. As Molly leaned against the table beside Rick, she couldn't help, but eye Sylvester. Molly couldn't help, but think it was a little... strange that Sylvester randomly came back from the dead. He's been gone for eleven years. Pat even said he watched Sylvester die. Now, he's back like nothing ever even happened? She just couldn't wrap her head around it.

"Someone murdered the Gambler," Courtney said, kicking their emergency meeting into gear.

"Okay, well, I wonder who would have the motive to do that?" Pat asked nobody in particular.

Sylvester scoffed from beside him, "Have you ever met him?"

"Yeah, so who care?" Rick spoke up from beside Molly.

Courtney turned and looked at him incredulously as she stated, "A man is dead, and there's a killer out there!"

"Excuse me, but have you all lost your minds?!" Yolanda quipped, looking at everyone in the room like they were insane, "Cindy Burman did it! She was standing over his body!"

Molly did have to agree that Yolanda had a good point. This did seem to catch Pat and Sylvester's attention. Clearly, Courtney left that out when she called them to the Pit Stop. Courtney quickly turned towards them and began to explain, "Okay, yes. Sure, she was, but she told us she didn't do it!"

"Oh! Case dismissed I guess!" Yolanda exclaimed sarcastically with an eye roll.

Courtney let out a small sigh as she continued to explain, "Cindy went to investigate when she heard the Gambler's old gang was back together. When she showed up, she found the trailer destroyed and the Gambler dead."

Daydream || Rick Tyler [DC's Stargirl]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें