• Chapter 39

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After school, Molly headed to the Pit Stop with Rick, Yolanda, and Beth. Initially, Molly and Rick had planned to head back to his place after school, but since their fight with Courtney, everyone wanted to fill Sylvester in on what happened. The idea didn't really make her excited due to her thoughts on him, but... the last thing the team needed was another argument.

Molly leaned against the railing of the steps next to Rick, who was sitting on the steps with Beth. Yolanda stood on the other side as Sylvester sat across from them, listening to every word intently. He didn't interrupt them once, taking everything in.

"And then she just... walked away," Rick finished, ending the story.

"I've never seen Courtney like that," Beth said to them worriedly.

"Me either," Yolanda agreed while crossing her arms.

Then, Sylvester spoke up, "Okay, guys, it does sound like you kind of went after her a little bit."

"We did," Molly admitted with a shrug, causing everyone to look over at her in shock. She hesitated before confessing, "We probably could've handled it a little better."

"Wait, you're on her side?" Yolanda asked in disbelief.

Molly opened her mouth to defend herself, but she was cut off when Sylvester said, "There are no sides, Yolanda. You shouldn't think that way. Ever. I mean, you guys know the story. The JSA got into a fight about what happened with Bruce Gordon. We never fully reconciled. Then, my choice about Bruce made us pick sides, and that eventually destroyed us. I... I should've listened to Pat. Should've done whatever I had to do to bring the team back together but-"

Sylvester cut off, trying to find the right words to say. The four teenagers looked at each other concerned before turning back as he finished, "Learn from my mistakes. Please. So if Courtney wants to hang out with Cameron Mahkent, let her."

They all stood their in silence, unsure what to say next. Then, Beth broke the silence by saying, "We still have a murder to solve."

"I still think Cindy's not telling us something," Yolanda confessed to Sylvester, "Maybe about her dad?"

"Okay, go with your gut. Follow it," Sylvester nodded in confirmation.

"I still have to fix the hourglass," Rick spoke up.

"And I still have to figure out The Shade's journal. Figure out how to use my powers," Molly added.

Sylvester nodded his head at the two of them and assured them, "We'll work on that. Beth-"

His words were cut off when Beth's goggles started to ring. Based on her nervous laugh, they all had a feeling who it was. Molly smiled sadly to herself as Beth quickly put the goggles on, having a hard time imagining if Tessa acted how her parents did. It would be too much.

"Hello?" Beth answered, all of them standing in silence to not interrupt the call, "Horrible, I cheated... I can't talk right now. I'm in the middle of a JSA meeting... We'll talk later tonight, okay? Bye."

Beth pressed the button on the side of her goggles to end the call. She slowly pulled the goggles up and rested them on her forehead. She looked at them nervously before informing them all, "They want me to give them a... special mission."

"It's always hard when the family finds out and gets involved," Sylvester empathized with her. Then, he began to confide, "My sister, Merri, she did, and...

When Sylvester broke off, Yolanda sat up a little more before asking, "Henry's mom, right? Merri Pemberton?"

Sylvester nodded his head before continuing sadly, "Brainwave killed her."

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