• Chapter 4

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After the accident, all of the students and teachers were brought to the hospital to get checked for any signs of injury. A few students had concussions from hitting their heads, but when the doctor found only a scrape on her cheek, Molly was free to go. The entire time, Molly couldn't stop thinking about Joey. She couldn't stop thinking about the truck that slid across the ice and hit him.

Now he's gone. Molly would never see him again.

Molly sat on the couch of the living room, wrapped in a blanket with tears silently pouring down her face. The news report of the bus crash played on the TV, but Molly turned the volume down because she didn't want to listen to it. All she could think about was Joey. Her friend, Joey. Her friend that she would never get to see smile, laugh, or perform another magic trick again.

Then, somebody sat down next to her on the couch and held out a hot mug of tea, "Here you go, sweetie. Remember when. You told me that tea is actually good for you? I listened."

She sniffled while giving her Aunt Tessa a smile in thanks. Well, the best smile she could give in the moment, which wasn't very good. She took the tea and took a small sip from it. The heat from the mug didn't even bother her hands. Tessa let out a small sigh and placed her hand on her leg.

"I'm so sorry, Molls," She said quietly.

"He was such a good friend," Molly cried quietly, "He was the nicest person at that whole school. It's awful."

Tessa looked at her sadly before pulling her into a hug. Molly laid her head on her chest as Tessa wrapped her arms around her shoulders. Tessa placed a gentle kiss on her niece's head as her heart ached. It reminded both of them back to when Isabelle passed away. Tessa felt tears form in her eyes as she thought back to when she had to break the news to six year old Molly, who immediately began to cry and ask when she'd see her mother again. She was too young to understand what happened. Now here she was at sixteen, another important person in her life taken from her.

"He was a great kid, Molly," Tessa agreed while she ran her hand through her hair, "The worst things happen to the best people."

This caused a weird feeling to spring up in Molly's stomach. Without sitting up, she said to her aunt not even thinking, "You always say that about Mom."

She felt Aunt Tessa tense up, but she didn't say anything. Molly never understood this. Even though the two of them were very close, Aunt Tessa would never tell her anything about her mother's death. The fact that she rarely knew anything about her mother lingered in the back of her mind every day. It hurt because she knew that she would never get the chance.

Molly slowly sat up and looked at her aunt, who was trying to avoid her gaze, "Aunt Tess, what happened to my mother?"

"Molls, now is not the time for this. I've told you a thousand times. She got into a car accident," She responded quietly. Molly felt herself tense, knowing what was about to happen.

"If it was just a car accident, why don't you ever tell me anything? Every time she gets brought up, you just quickly change the subject," Molly asked her, suddenly starting to get frustrated.

Tessa sighed gently before saying, "Because you know everything that you need to know."

"It doesn't matter what I need to know. She's my mother. I want to know everything," Molly protested, "What really happened to mom? You can't keep telling me it was just a car accident. I can see it in your face whenever you say it that it's not true. Why-"

Suddenly, Tessa cut her off tersely, "Molly, now is not the time to be having this conversation. A boy you went to school with just died. Your friend. Your mother died in a car accident. That's it. There's nothing else to the story so you need to stop acting like there is. Honey, I'm sorry that this is how your life is, and I wish more than anything I could bring your mother back. But there's nothing I can do. Your mother's death was a tragic accident. That's all."

Daydream || Rick Tyler [DC's Stargirl]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora