• Chapter 34

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The rest of the school day was pretty uneventful. After lunch, Molly went the rest of the day without speaking to anyone in school. She was in a bad mood from what happened at lunch. She was also embarrassed for how her encounter with Rick went. Could she have been any more awkward? Plus, she wanted to leave so she could keep training. School was the last thing on her mind, and everybody could easily see it.

Despite the argument that happened between them at lunch, Courtney wanted the team to meet up. Apparently, Beth's goggles picked up a sign of trouble. There was a robbery that was supposed to happen tonight at one of the Blue Valley warehouses. Even though Molly would've rather been training, she came because her team needed her.

The six members of the JSA were suited up as they quietly made their way around the warehouse. The parking lot was filled with semi trucks, each of them parked at their down door of the warehouse. As they started to go around the back side, Molly found herself walking in the back next to Rick. She couldn't help, but let her eyes flicker over to him.

As usual, he looked so good in his Hourman suit. Something about him was different though. He definitely gained more muscle over the past month from going to the gym and burying Grundy over and over again. Honestly, Molly could stare at him all day if she had the time. However, Rick turned his head and immediately caught her, causing her to quickly look down at her feet.

Out of the corner of her eye, Molly noticed his cheeks begin to flush as he asked her, "Is-is everything okay?"

"Yeah," Molly replied quietly while nodding her head. Then, she hesitated before adding, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," He replied. There was a pause before he added so none of the other girls could hear, "You-You're not the only one that does it."

Molly immediately felt her face turn red. She couldn't believe that Rick just admitted that he stared at her. Or... checked her out? She wasn't very good at this. Before either of them could say anything else, they heard shouting in the distance. The six of them looked at each other with wide eyes before taking off in a sprint. Once the shouting was closer, they slowed down and quietly began to sneak up on them.

"There they are," Courtney pointed out to all of them.

Behind the building, there was a large semi truck with five robbers in dollar sigh masks surrounding it. They all held up guns to the poor warehouse worker, who was struggling to unlock the back of the truck. One of the robbers yelled at the man to go faster, causing him to fumble with the lock even more than he already was.

"Five guys in dollar sign masks?" Cindy asked in disbelief, "You needed all of us here for this?"

"If you don't like it, go home!" Yolanda quipped at her.

"Someone is in trouble okay?" Courtney immediately cut off the argument. She huffed in annoyance before continuing, "We don't have time for this."

The six of them lined up and immediately got into position. Molly looked down at her hands, which were a mixture of purple light and shadows. A small smile curled up on her lips, never feeling more alive while using her powers. She couldn't help, but feel excited. This was only the beginning.

However, the chance for them all to fight never came. Because a figure jumped over the high fence and rolled gracefully on the ground. Once they shot back up, Molly's jaw dropped in shock when she saw a baseball bat, a mask, and a bright green bookbag with 'JSA' labeled on it.

"WOOHOO! JSA, let's go!" They all heard Artemis's voice cheered from underneath her mask.

As Artemis began to fight against the five robbers, Molly noticed that Courtney, Yolanda, Beth, and Rick seemed just as shocked as she was. The only person who seemed impressed was Cindy, who had a grin plastered on her face. Artemis hit one of the robbers over the head with her bat, knocking him out instantly. Two of the robbers began to shoot at her, but Artemis easily deflected them with her bat. She knocked out another robber with her bat before leaning against the truck and laughing.

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