• Chapter 1

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Present Day

When the alarm clock next to her bed began to blare, Molly groaned before rolling over and smacking it with her hand five times, trying to get it to shut up. Despite not minding going to school, it was the waking up early that really got to her. The loud blaring finally stopped, allowing Molly to slowly sit up from bed in peace. Her eyes immediately squinted with the sun shining in her eyes through the curtains, giving her a headache. That didn't stop her from looking forward to her school day.

Not wanting to waste any more time, Molly shot up out of bed. She pulled the comforter up over her pillows, just to say she made her bed. She walked over to look at herself in her mirror that hung over her dresser. She let out a small sigh of annoyance when she saw her hair was a mess. She immediately grabbed the brush and began to work through the tangles. While literally ripping her hair out of her head, Molly opened her closet and turned on the light. She grabbed her favorite purple sweater and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. She placed the brush back on her dresser and walked down the hall to the bathroom to shower. After showering at a very quick speed, she got dressed and blow dried her hair as best as she could. Luckily, her hair was naturally wavy. The type of wavy that didn't make her hair look like a train wreck. Aunt Tess always said she got that from her mother.

Molly knew that she looked a lot like her mother. Long, wavy brown hair, blue eyes, and a smile that could lift anybody's spirits. Aunt Tessa often told Molly that she was a spitting image of her mother, which she always thought of as a compliment. Molly didn't remember much of her mother, but all Aunt Tessa would tell her was that she was just like her. That was the only information she really got about her though, since the topic of her mother's death was very sensitive.

Once Molly was dressed and ready to go, she pulled her bookbag up onto her shoulders. Before walking out the door, she grabbed her phone off her desk and walked out her room. As she shut the door behind her, she opened her usual Snapchat from Cameron Mahkent, her best friend since middle school, asking if she had finished the algebra homework due that day. Molly couldn't help, but smile while rolling her eyes and telling him the usual response. That was her basically saying yes, but she's not giving him the answers.

Molly was so engrossed in her response that she wasn't paying attention to where she was going. She collided into something, which made her drop her phone and jump back. Her eyes widened in shock while her Aunt Tessa just smirked down at her.

"Now, what did I say about texting and walking, Molls?" She asked her niece.

"That it causes me to bump into people or things, detaching my cerebellum from my brain, which would hinder my ability to move," Molly replied while bending down to pick up her phone.

Tessa just gave her niece a confused look before replying, "I'm pretty sure I didn't use the word 'cerebellum,' but I'm not going to say anything since today is a special day."

Molly looked at her confused, "A special day?"

Then, Tessa pulled a small box out from behind her back. Molly could tell that the box had been wrapped a long time ago due to the crushed corners and the smashed ribbon on top. Molly looked at it curiously. That's when she finally realized what her aunt meant.

Today was Molly's sixteenth birthday. She completely forgot about it. Her birthday wasn't something she was normally excited about. Mainly because the last time she saw her mother was on this exact day ten years ago. Tessa knew that Molly wasn't normally excited for her birthday, but she still did everything she could to make it special for her. It helped them both to not think about Isabelle. That was one of the many reasons why Molly was grateful for Tessa. Still, all of the excitement she had about going to school was starting to go down the drain.

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